“But you said we could go for ice cream after the show,” she points out, and my heart breaks.

“I know, honey, but I can’t afford to lose my job. I don’t want to go in, but something is going on.” I run a hand over her head and pull her into my arms. “Let’s go and see if we can at least get you into after-school club,” I start as I take her hand.

“Why doesn’t she come with me?”

Luna and I both turn to look at Calvin, who shrugs.

“I’m free for the evening now, and I can take her for ice cream, and then we could go and see the guys. Luna could show them her video herself.”

“Please, Mummy! Please can I go with Pippin? It will be much better than going to your work, and I don’t want to go to the after-school club.”

I look back to Calvin and frown.

“Are you sure you don’t mind? You don’t have to have her if you are busy; I can work something out.” He steps forward and cups my cheek with his hand as he looks into my eyes.

“I want to have her. It will be no problem at all, I promise. As long as you don’t mind me watching her?” he asks. I shake my head, and he smiles back at me. “Then go to work; she is fine with me. If I can keep Bambi and Houdini alive, I think I can handle Luna Bug,” he says, looking down at her and winking. Luna squeals excitedly and jumps up and down before hugging me around the waist.

“I will be good, promise, and do what Pippin says.”

I laugh as I kiss her on the top of the head before digging my house keys out of my handbag and handing them to Calvin.

“You better because if I hear you have been naughty, I will make you do the dishes for a month!”

“A month!” Luna and Calvin exclaim dramatically.

“That seems a little extreme. In fact, it sounds like child cruelty to me,” Calvin gasps. “Come on, Luna Bug, I won't let the evil mummy do such a thing.” Luna takes his hand, and they turn around and stick out their tongue at me before heading off together happily.

I shake my head and walk to where I parked the car. I’m about to climb behind the wheel when Calvin drives past, beeping the horn and waving with a beaming Luna in the front seat. I wave back, laughing as they disappear out of sight, and I sit in the car's front seat. I start the short journey to work and wait for the anxiety to kick in as it does whenever I leave Luna with someone, but nothing happens. At first, I think it must be because I’m leaving her with someone whose job is literally to keep people safe, but it’s not that. It’s the fact that she will be with Calvin and possibly the other two. In the short time I have gotten to know them, I realise I have also come to rely on them and trust them, possibly more than I have trusted anyone in a very long time. Even with Penny and her kids, there is an element of fear whenever I leave Luna with them. However, today, I feel nothing but relief that no matter what was to happen, she would be as safe, if not safer, than she is with me.

I pull into my allocated parking space and head into the building, waving to the main receptionist as I go.

“Heads up, he’s in a foul mood, and so is the arsehole of a security guy,” she announces, rolling her eyes. I shake my head as I laugh, knowing she means Logan. This means he must be here, and they must know more about what's happening in the basement.

I haven’t seen Logan since he turned up at mine the other day and helped me with the bathroom disaster. Do I believe he just turned up to give me some heat gel? I’m not sure. What I do know is that I dread to think what would have happened if he hadn’t turned up and saved the day, not only by kicking down the door but by helping me to clean up and get someone out to check the electrics and bring an industrial humidifier to help get the water out of everything. I messaged him to say thank you, and all I got was a “no problem” in return. I don’t know why I expected more from him. It's not like he has ever been Mr chatty with me. We get along fine, but there is no real friendship like the other two.

The elevator opens onto my floor, and I walk out to see Mr Young talking to someone by my desk. As soon as his eyes land on me, he visibly relaxes.

“I am so sorry to call you in like this, Chelsea. I know you had plans this afternoon.”

“It’s okay; someone is watching Luna and taking her for ice cream, so she’s still happy,” I reply with a smile. “Where do you want me?” I ask, looking around.

“In my office, please. Logan is already in there. He will explain more.”

I nod and leave him talking to the guy as I head into his office, hoping there is at least a coffee waiting for me.

But instead, I find a sour-faced Logan waiting for me.

“Afternoon,” I say politely as I place my bag by the side of the desk and turn to give him my attention.

“How was Luna's production?” he asks, not looking up from his tablet.

“Really good. Calvin turning up gave her a real boost, and she loved the flower he gave her from you. He recorded her whole dance and promised to show it to you later.”

Logan doesn’t answer. He nods once and continues to tap on his tablet.

“So, what’s happened?” I ask.

“We fired Jefferys today. I need you to hire a new security person ASAP and check his log-ins to see if anything stands out to you.”