“Mummy, can they join us? Please?”

“Of course they can,” I answer, looking at the two guys, wondering how they have won my daughter around so quickly. I go to pick up our tray of drinks, but Logan takes it and tells me to go and grab a table. I thank him as Luna rushes off to the one he pointed at.

Once we are all sat down with our drinks, I watch Luna talk to Logan like she has known him for years.

“What are your plans with Mom today?” he asks, handing her half his cookie.

“Well,” she starts dramatically. “We have been to the cinema, and then to pick out some new clothes for me. Mummy says I’m growing too fast, but I think I’m growing just right.”

I roll my eyes as Drew and Logan both laugh. “Now we are going to wait here until the park is quieter, and I can play. Although I can’t go on the swings,” she sighs, scooping out her marshmallows with a spoon.

“Why can’t you go on the swings?” Logan asks her whilst handing her a napkin for the cream on her chin.

“Because I can’t swing on my own, and Mummy can’t push me because of her shoulder.”

Logan's eyes snap to me so fast I almost fall from my chair.

“What’s wrong with your shoulder?” he demands.

“Nothing, it’s just an old injury that hurts when it’s cold,” I answer as he and Drew watch me. I look at Luna, who is lost in her own little world, eating the cookie she is dunking in her hot chocolate.

“When was it last looked at?” Drew asks as Logan looks at my shoulders as if he can x-ray them with his eyes.

“It’s fine, stop worrying about it,” I sigh, picking up my coffee and taking a sip, hoping they will drop it.

“How about I take you to the park in a minute, and then you can go on the swings?” Logan asks Luna.

“You don’t have to do that,” I protest instantly. Logan looks at me, and I realise he thinks I don’t want him around Luna. Do I want him around her? I trust the guys more than anyone else with her. Otherwise, we would not be sitting here now. “What I mean is, I don’t want you to change your plans just to help her out,” I add quickly, hoping to make him see I didn’t mean that how it sounded.

“It’s fine, we have time,” he answers before looking at Luna, smiling up at him happily. “Let me know when you are ready, and we can go.”

Luna grabs her mug and drinks it so quickly I’m sure she will throw up.

“You could have come back and finished it after the park,” I point out as she wipes her face on the napkin Drew hands her.

“I didn’t think of that. Oh well,” she shrugs, jumping to her feet and grabbing Logan’s hand. “Come on, I want you to push me on the swings before it rains.”

Logan doesn’t argue as he’s dragged out of the warm coffee shop and towards the cold park.

“I hope he doesn’t feel he has to do this,” I mutter as I watch them rush into the park.

“Houdini doesn’t do anything he doesn’t want to,” Drew chuckles as he watches his friend. “He has always been good with kids. Whenever we were dealing with young children, usually scared orphans, they seemed to attach themselves to him. There were a few times we would save babies, and they would cry and cry for their parents. One hug of the BFG there, and they would fall asleep on his chest. You would find him in a chair, fast asleep with a baby resting on him.”

I watch Logan push Luna on the swing, and she squeals happily. The smile on his face is like none I have seen on him before. Maybe the miserable bastard isn’t so bad after all. I think I sometimes forget what he and the guys have been through, that they haven’t always been their own bosses. They have witnessed things I would never recover from, and it’s no wonder they react the way they do at times. Watching him now playing happily with my daughter gives me a warm feeling I never expected when it came to Logan.



“There you are. I was starting to think you had both gotten lost.”

Logan throws the bag of coffee onto my desk and walks over to the computer without saying a word.

“What’s eating him?” I ask Drew, who’s frowning, watching Logan typing away on the keyboard. The computer he is sitting at is the one we have linked to the UK forces. We are able to search anyone and see anything from their police records to where they took their first steps. I had been on there all morning looking through the employees at Young's to see if anyone raised any flags.

“I have no idea. He was in a great mood until twenty minutes ago. We bumped into Chelsea and her daughter in a coffee shop. Grumpy ass there even brought their drinks, then took Luna into the park for half an hour.”

“Did the six-year-old wear you out? Do you need a hot milk, cookies and a nap, old man?” I laugh out loud, expecting some reaction from Logan, but instead, he scribbles something on a piece of paper and jumps up from the computer.