“I’m going for a run,” he snaps, shoving the paper into his pocket and storming out of the room. I stand up from my chair and walk over to the computer he was working on. He’s closed whichever program he was using, and there is no way to know which one as the memory wipes on this thing instantly to ensure nothing can be used other than what we need it for.
“Somethings happened to rattle his cage; any idea what?” I ask Drew, who shakes his head.
“He was fine the whole time we were with Chels and Luna. He brought her back from the park and told Chels he would contact her later about a possible dinner he might need her for, and we left. The second he left the café, it was like he was taken over by the usual stressed Houdini.”
“He didn’t look at his phone or receive a call?” I ask, trying to work it all out.
“Not that I saw. I mean, he could have whilst in the park, as I wasn’t watching him and Luna constantly. I was chatting with Chels most of the time. But he was fine when he brought her back to her mom.”
I rub my hand over my face and let out a deep sigh. I need to speak to him, but I know that if he is going for a run, then he needs some time and space to process whatever is going on in his head.
“Any luck with the staff at Youngs?” Drew asks. I shake my head and stand up from the chair.
“Nothing. We are missing something, and I don’t know what. I was hoping to run a couple of ideas past him when you got back, but I can’t see that happening until later tonight at least.”
We both make our way out of the secure unit and head back up to the main part of the building. As we walk through the building, we listen out for the sound of Logan moving about, but he’s long gone. I try his locker on the off chance he’s left that piece of paper in there, but it’s locked, and I have too much respect for the guy to pick the lock. One, he will know; two, if it is important, he will tell us when he is ready.
As my feet pound the pavement, I tell myself I don’t need to run this way, that I could go another route, and the heat gel in my pocket can be given to Chelsea another time. But I need an excuse to be out and away from the building and the guys. Chelsea's shoulder pain was the first thing I thought of when I saw the heat gel in my locker. I changed into my running gear in record time, and here I am, five miles away from the office, running up her street.
I’m still in shock from what I read on the screen, and I know I have to tell the guys, but I need time to do further digging. It’s a sensitive subject I will need to approach gently and carefully with those involved. I might not be known for my softer side; it’s something I have learnt is better off hidden away, especially in our line of work. Most people think of me as a heartless bastard who never thinks of anyone’s feelings but my own, and in some ways, they are right. I’ve seen and done too much to wear my heart on my sleeve. The human race can be a parasite that needs to have the dark and evil people wiped from the face of the earth so those pure at heart can live in peace safely. I know I’m not one of them; I don’t deserve peace or happiness after some of the things I have done. I came to terms with that many years ago. But if I can give those who still have a chance of peace and happiness in their lives a real fighting start, then I will.
I rub my face as I feel the first few drops of rain hit me, dragging me from the dark place I was heading. I need to get this delivered to Chelsea and then head home for a shower. I have a bottle of whiskey with my name on it, and I think I will drink the lot tonight whilst planning the weekly training programme for our staff.
Turning onto Chelsea’s street, I search for her number, coming to a stop outside a house with very little on the outside. The garden looks a little overgrown, and the house needs a fresh coat of paint. Considering how much she works, I’m not surprised she doesn’t have time to do the little things like this. I’m sure one of the guys will do it if she asks. I don’t have time, but they like doing things for her.
I walk up the gravel drive and knock on the door, wiping the sweat from my brow. I hear a commotion inside and frown as I try to hear what’s happening. I can hear Chelsea’s voice, and it sounds like she’s shouting, but I can’t work out why. I quickly knock again, a little louder, hoping to get her attention, when I hear a bang and her calling out. I grab the handle and push open the front door, which is thankfully unlocked.
“Chelsea!” I call out, looking around. I can hear running water coming from all angles and Chelsea’s frustrated shout. “CHELS!” I call out again, heading for the stairs, where I notice water running down them.
“Logan?” I hear her call as she appears at the top of the stairs, looking close to tears. “Oh, thank God. Help me!” she cries as I rush up the stairs two at a time.
“What the fuck?” I curse as I reach the landing to see water flowing under the bathroom door.
“I was running a bath, and the door closed and somehow locked from the inside. I can’t get it open, and the taps are still on.”
“Where’s Luna?” I ask, rushing for the bathroom.
“Here,” a small sob comes from a doorway.
“Okay, princess, stay back. I’ll kick it down.” I look to make sure both of them are out of the way and quickly note the type of door and handle it is. I step back and kick out as hard as I can. The door groans loudly but doesn’t budge. I kick it again, and the sound of the wood splintering sounds out.
“Come on, you prick,” I growl through gritted teeth before kicking it again, and the door flies open.
“Oh, thank you,” Chelsea calls as she rushes past me and straight for the bath, which is overflowing. She slips and slides across the bath and only just gets to it without falling over completely. She turns the taps off, then rushes towards me and throws her arms around my neck.
“Thank you so much. I don’t know what I would have done,” she cries at the same time as a sob sounds from the bedroom. We both turn to see Luna crying with her hands over her ears. Chelsea lets go of me and rushes towards her daughter, pulling her into her arms and holding her as she cries. I walk away from them, head into the bathroom to give them space, and start cleaning up.
It takes a while, but we slowly start to make progress as we clean up the water. It’s, of course, dripping through the ceiling and into the lounge and dining room downstairs. I sent Calvin a message and asked if he knew someone who could come and check the electrics and that everything was safe. When he asks why I was here, I didn’t bother replying. He will ask me again when I return, and I’m not repeating myself.
I’m checking the ceiling in the lounge when I hear someone enter the room. I turn to see Luna looking up at me nervously. She has been avoiding me since I kicked the door down, obviously scaring her in the process. I climb off the chair I’m standing on and hold out my hand for her whilst squatting down so I’m at her level.
“I’m sorry if I scared you, Princess. I didn’t mean to,” I say softly as she steps forward and places her hand in mine.
“I didn’t mean for it to happen. I just closed the door, and it locked,” she explains as tears roll down her cheeks. I reach up and wipe them away gently.
“I believe you; I saw the lock. It was old and loose. It could have happened to anyone.”