“Take that as your thank you,” I hear Terry mutter behind me.

“It’s more than I deserve,” the guy replies, causing Gordon to hum deep in his throat.

I watch the screen desperately waiting for some sign of Chelsea, I need to know she is alive and unharmed. Silence fills the van as we all watch the screen as the basement comes into sight.

“I can’t go too far in fear of them seeing,” I hear Drew whisper through the radio. The camera continues to move about and I see all the boxes and old equipment that are stored down there.

“Stop, to the left,” Logan snaps and Drew instantly does as he asked. “Freeze!” Logan snaps as Chelsea comes onto the screen sitting side-on with her hands behind her back and ankles tied in front of her. She has duct tape over her mouth and is covered in dust. When she turns and looks directly at the camera my heart freezes. There's no way she can know it’s there. The camera is as thin as a piece of twine. But here she is looking directly at it before looking away again.

“She knows we’re watching,” Drew whispers as I see her hands move slightly behind her back. I watch them and try to work out what she’s doing.

“Morse code!” I yell, grabbing a pen and paper and starting to watch her hand carefully.

“L I S T E N A N D R E L A T E”, Logan says as he gets the recording up on the other screen and rewinds to the moment she looks at the camera. But as I continue watching her, I know exactly what message she is sending.

“She is going to tell us what’s happening via Morse code,” I whisper as I watch my brave woman. “Keep watching her hand and see if she tells us anything this prick doesn’t,” I snap before turning to face the turncoat. I grab a chair and place it in front of him before sitting down and leaning my elbows on my thighs.

“You and I are going to have a little chat, and if I don’t like what you have to tell me, I’m going to cause you all kinds of pain.”



I glance to the vent, where I saw the tiniest of flashes. I don’t know why, but I’m sure it had something to do with the guys. Just in case they had found a way to see inside here, I started telling them what I could via Morse code. I have never been so grateful for my dad teaching it to me when I was younger.

Since I heard Calvin say Luna was safe and with them, I have relaxed enough to pay attention to everything around me, and I quickly realised these two morons have no idea what they are doing. If they think that they are going to be able to walk out of here scot-free, then they are seriously mistaken.

Kian finally let Frank in on the master plan, which includes someone gaining entrance through the far wall and helping them load a truck which will be waiting at the end of the tunnel. At first, I thought they were mad but then I remembered something Logan said when he was down here one day about the original building being an old bank and there would have been a tunnel leading from the basement, which was the safe so large sums of money could be brought in easily. Apparently, they have been working their way through the tunnel for the last couple of weeks, ensuring it was safe to use and clearing out any blockages.

None of it makes any sense to me because if the tunnel is still usable, wouldn’t it have been easier for them to do all this at night? But then I remember the one thing that probably spoiled their plan to do that. Logan put the new fingerprint lock on the door. One that only me or Mr Young could open. The thought of my mentor brings tears to my eyes. I hope that the guys got to him in time to save him, I would hate to think of what would happen to his family if he dies.

I close my eyes, lean my head back against the wall and take a deep breath.

“How long have we got until we have to be ready to go?” Frank asks. I open my eyes and watch the two of them as they load up packages of what I’m guessing are drugs into a trolley I have seen the maintenance guy use to push around the large water barrels and boxes of paper.

“Ten minutes, so stop talking and hurry the fuck up!” Kian snaps as he goes back to lifting the packets out of the container, they were buried in.

“What are we going to do with her?” Frank asks nodding towards me. Kian turns and looks at me before shrugging.

“We can’t leave her, she knows our names. She’ll have to come with us and the boss can decide where to put her.” Kian grins, making my skin crawl and my hands curl into fists. “He has a couple of whore houses, around the country. I’m sure he will find a place she can start calling home.”

Fear settles heavier in my stomach as I think of the kind of places he is talking about. If my mouth wasn’t taped up, I think I would be sick. Luckily my mouth is so dry I want to cough but I can't thanks to the duct tape. The longer it’s over my mouth the harder it is becoming to breathe properly. I know it’s probably all in my head, but it feels like I can’t get a deep enough breath anymore. Is it possible to suffocate with just your mouth covered? Or am I just becoming paranoid?

A rumbling sound comes from the opposite side of the basement causing all three of us to turn in that direction. Kian looks at his watch and grins.

“Looks like they will be a little early.” He turns back to Frank. “Get a move on we still have about twenty packets to upload!”

I watch the far wall and pray they make enough racket for the guys to realise what’s going on. I start singing “Underground Passage” over and over again and am just giving up when the radio springs to life.

“This Is Logan Wilson,” his voice calls. “I’m here to tell you that your time is running out and you should consider all your options carefully.” I can hear the authority in his voice, and the look on Frank's face tells me he hears it, too.

“Where’s the other guy?” Kian asks, smirking. “Was he the good cop?” he laughs.

“No. He was the bad cop,” Logan replies. I swear I would smile if I could.

“What does that make you then?” Kian asks frowning.

“The one they call in when stupid mother fuckers like you haven’t realised their time is up and the big boys are coming out to play.”