I hear what sounds like drilling coming from the other side of the basement where we heard the rumbling before, but this time it's louder and I swear I can see the wall starting to shake.

“Well, good luck, we are the ones with the pretty lady here. One move from you, and I kill her.” Kian replies, not even picking up his gun.

“We will see. Final offer. Release Ms Hughes or you will see how many torture skills I have picked up in my fifteen years with the Navy SEALs.”

I watch the colour drain from Frank's face as the drilling stops and he looks from me to the wall.

“Just let her go, Kian. It will be easier to get out of here without her anyway.”

Kian looks at him and rolls his eyes.

“Please! He’s not a SEAL; he’s just your standard security guard. He’s all mouth and no action,” Kian groans and looks over at me. I slowly shake my head, and I watch as, for a moment, he starts to look worried. “He’s really a SEAL?”

I nod my head once as I see the panic really set in. The drilling starts again, and I hear the radio spring to life.

“Last chance to do the right thing, release Ms Hughes and leave with your hands up, Or face the wrath of the men whose fiancée you are holding hostage.”

I feel my eyes bulge.Fiancée?Kian looks at me, and I quickly straighten my face and shrug. The drilling sound stops, and for a moment, there is a deadly silence. Kian looks from me to the wall and smirks as a sound like a sledgehammer hits the wall and a large crack appears.

“I choose a third option. Say goodbye to your fiancée,” he smirks before grabbing and hauling the walkie-talkie at the wall which breaks as I hear a noise that sounds like Logan shouting. Another loud bang comes from the wall as Kian grabs a couple more packages and piles them into the trolley.

“Get the rest of that in there,” he snaps at Frank, who looks like he’s close to having a panic attack. Kian storms over and slices through the cable ties on my ankles before grabbing my arm and roughly pulling me to my feet.

“Hope you said goodbye to your daughter and fiancé this morning, 'cause you’re never going to see them again,” he laughs before pulling me towards the wall where there is a medium hole now. A couple more bangs and the wall falls away leaving a large dust cloud and a hole big enough for them to push the trolley through. Two men in black outfits like Kian and Frank, walk through the dust with masks on their faces and helmets on their heads.

“Right on time, I see. Help Frank with the stuff whilst I take this little thing for a walk. I want to make sure her little friends can’t find her.” But as Kian goes to walk me past the guys one of them stops in front of me takes my chin in his hand, and tilts my head at angles as he checks me out. He’s lucky I have tape on my mouth otherwise, I’d spit in his face. My eyes find his amber ones and my heart stops when he winks and punches Kian in the face. In a flash, he has a gun to Kian's head as he grabs me and hides me behind his back.

In that second all hell breaks loose. Three fully armed police officers charge into the room screaming for everyone to get down. I feel someone grab me from behind and drag me away from Logan. I instantly start to fight and scream behind the tape. I kick out and catch them on the shin, I hear them curse and stop as they wrap their arms around my waist.

“It’s me, darling. I’ve got you.”

I look into Calvin's eyes and burst into tears. He pulls a knife from his trousers and slices through the cable ties on my wrists. As soon as they are free, I bring them to the front of me and look at the deep bleeding cuts around them. I reach up and rip the duct tape from my mouth, which feels like it takes my lips off with it, causing me to scream out. Calvin goes to lead me away but shouting sounds through the hole in the wall, and Calvin points to the door that leads to the building.

“Get up there now!” he yells before pulling his gun and keeping me behind him as I run for the stairs. He follows me backwards watching my back the whole time until I am out of the basement. I rush for the entrance where I can see a couple of police officers waving me towards them. As soon as I am out of the building, they surround me and guide me quickly towards an ambulance behind the barricade.

“The guys will be out as soon as everyone’s contained. You need to get checked over until they get here.” One of the police guards says as they try and lead me into the ambulance.

Suddenly a loud bang sounds from inside the building and I feel the ground shake. As the bright entrance fills with dust, and the windows and glass doors on the first two floors shatter showering us with glass shards.

“No!” I scream as I turn to go back to the building, but the officers stop me. Everything turns into a blur as I fight and scream trying desperately to get back to the guys. I see people run towards the building pulling on protective gear as they go. Firemen, police officers, and people in gear like the guys were wearing, screaming out orders and pointing in all different directions.

“Ms if you don’t calm down, I will sedate you!” the paramedic calls behind me as I feel my legs go and I fall to the ground as a sob like no other leaves my body. I feel it building in my chest as it explodes from me, I can’t see I can’t breathe, all I can do is look at the building and pray all three will make it out of there somehow alive.

The police officer drops beside me and holds me as I scream over and over again for them, I try to get to my feet again but my body just won’t work. At some point, I hear Luna scream my name as she rushes to me falling onto my lap as I cry and hold her close. We cry together as I watch for a sign there are survivors inside.

After what feels like hours, a police officer covered in dust comes out and screams for three stretchers, my heart freezes as I climb to my feet and watch six people carry out three bodies. They are all so covered in dust that I can’t tell the uniforms apart. With Luna on my hip, I go to step forward but the officers stop me. I realise then their radios are going crazy. I hear three injured and three dead, but there is no word of who.

“I need to know!” I beg spinning around to face the office. “I need to know if any of them are hurt!” I can see on her face she doesn’t know what to do, I’m sure she wants to tell me everything is fine, but even I know it can’t be, not after that. Something big has happened down there and all three of the men I love are there, hurt or dead.

The police officer tells me to wait here, and she will find out what’s going on. I turn to watch her walk away at the same time as I large group of people walk out of the building clustered together. As they all start to step apart I see them. Even covered head to toe in dust and debris, but I would know them anywhere. As all three look up and I can see they are all walking unaided my feet start moving on their own accord. I hold Luna to my hip as I run to the guys as they rush to us. Logan gets to me first and I throw an arm around his neck crying.

“You’re okay, you’re all okay,” I repeat over and over again. I feel Luna leaning away from me and turn to see Calvin taking her from my hip in time for me to throw myself at Drew.

“We are okay, sweetheart. The blast was in the tunnel, we just got knocked around a bit, but we are okay,” he whispers into my hair.

“Have you been checked over, darling?” Calvin asks as I hug him, and Drew takes Luna from him.

“No, I was a bit busy thinking you were all dead!” I yell hitting his chest. He laughs as he rubs it and pulls me back towards him.