
“Looks like I chose a good day to pop in,” Christian O’Reilly says next to me as he opens up the warehouse.

“You have no idea, thanks for letting us use the space,” I reply as Terry and Logan walk past me to get things into order.

Christian and Jason had called into the office to discuss us purchasing a few weapons from them. Ones that are usually only available to the forces when deployed at war. Christian has contacts which he uses to supply organisations like ours to keep up with the growing population of predators. The people he took over from would supply the worst possible people with weapons of mass destruction. The O’Reilly’s, however only sell them to people who will not use them against the public. They believe in keeping the country as safe as possible and if that means supplying people like me with drones which have attached weapons then so be it.

“What do you know about the guy?” Jason asks as we walk behind the others.

“He’s an abusive piece of shit that beat and raped his own wife for years, tried to kill her and her baby, his own daughter. He was also deep into the drugs, using and selling. Chelsea reckons he got into some kind of trouble and pissed off the wrong people as he seemed surprisingly relieved to be sentenced to hard time.”

Jason and Christian’s jaws clench as they share a look; if there is one thing they hate more than paedophiles, it’s people who rape and beat others for their own personal pleasure.

“Well, no matter what you do to him here, no one will hear or know about it. I don’t need to ask if you know how to dispose of a body. You have done it enough times for me,” Jason smirks at me as I shake my head.

“You really are one of a kind, Jackass,” I sigh.

A car pulling up outside catches my attention, and Jason claps me on the back.

“We will be in one of the back rooms, this guy did your woman and child wrong, do what you need to do to give them the peace they deserve.”

I nod at him once before Christian, and him walk out of sight.

“Houdini, he’s here!” I call out. Logan jogs into view and heads straight to the car, not losing his stride until he gets to the trunk where Bambi is now standing.

“The fucker in there?” he demands. Bambi nods and opens it.

Inside is Leon Prince, hog-tied and gagged. There is an open wound to his head, and he has a black eye. No doubt from Drew taking him out.

“I knocked him out. tied him up and gagged him before he even knew what had hit him. He was unconscious until about five minutes ago if the racket he was making is anything to go by,” Drew explains. Logan stares down at the bastard and punches him hard in the face.

“Get him in there, I just need five fucking minutes with the prick!” he growls through gritted teeth. How he hasn’t cracked one yet I don’t know. Logan has always been amazing at keeping his cool when it comes to interrogating prisoners, but something tells me he will lose all control with this one, and I’m not sure that’s the best thing to do here.

Drew and I grab an arm each and pull Prince out of the trunk. At first, he tries to stand and run, but soon realises there is no way of getting past us, so he hangs whilst we drag him into the warehouse. I’ve been in here many times in the last five years. I have seen blood spilt and lives taken, each one more deserving than the last. Usually, it’s Christian who does the killing, but occasionally it would be one of the other brothers. Each time, I would help them clean up and dispose of the bodies. It’s not a pleasant job, but as I said, each one was a deserving death and one that would ensure others were a bit safer.

We drop him on the floor in the middle of the warehouse as Terry and Gordon close the doors behind us. As soon as we have let go of him, Prince tries to climb to his feet as he mumbles through the gag. None of us pay a blind bit of notice of him as we purposely stand in front of him as we lose our tops, not wanting to get any blood on them. we’re not stupid enough to leave a trail behind. The whole time, the bastard keeps mumbling through the gag.

“Shut the fuck up, and we will tell you how this is going to go,” I snap, kicking out and hitting him in the chest, causing him to fall backwards. He quickly sits back up as I squat in front of him, pulling in as much of my temper as I can, otherwise, there is a real possibility that I will break his neck. This prick doesn’t deserve a fast death, I want to make it as slow and painful as possible. Let him feel some of the pain he inflicted on Chelsea. I want him to understand what he did to her and how he made her feel. I don’t plan on killing him until he has at least pissed himself with fear.

I grab a handful of his hair and hold it tight, forcing his head to lift higher than normal.

“Do you know who we are?” I ask. Leon shakes his head quickly, and I feel the strands being pulled from his scalp. “We are three men who were trained by the United States to dispose of any threat. We know how to track, interrogate, and kill, and no one would ever find out.” I pull on his hair, forcing him to look up at me. “Do you know who Chelsea Hughes is to us?” I ask. This time, he nods, and I shake my head whilst tutting. “Then you stalking her and our little girl was a foolish mistake. What do you think we would do to protect those we love?” I lean in closer, so my mouth is by his ear. “We kill them.” Leon instantly starts fighting against his restraints and trying to yell through the gag.

“I think he has something he wants to say.” I look over my shoulder to Logan and Drew and can see so do they. Logan walks over to me and takes Leon's hair as soon as I let it go. Logan pulls him to his feet, forcing him to stand. He is a good half a foot, if not shorter than Logan.

“I know everything you did to her in that motel. I have read the police and hospital reports and seen the photographs. Did it make you feel big beating a woman so much shorter than you? A mother who was willing to be killed if it meant protecting her baby.” Logan throws him back to the ground hard enough that when his head hits the concrete flooring, the sound echoes around the room. Logan pulls out a knife from his belt and points it at Leon, whose eyes widen with fear.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t gut you like the pig you are,” Logan growls through his teeth as he walks behind Leon, who is frantically trying to turn around to see him but stumbles forward, faceplanting the ground. Logan plants his foot on the middle of Leon's back and holds him in place as he squirms underneath his boot. Logan leans down as Leon yells through the gag and cuts the ties around his hands, freeing them. “I might think you are a fucking coward, but I’d never kill a man who was tied up.” Stepping back from Leon's body, Logan walks back over to us as Leon pulls the rag from his mouth.

“You have it all wrong. I wasn’t trying to hurt Chelsea or my daughter.”

“She’s not your fucking daughter!” Drew roars as he charges forward, his hands fisted by his side. “You lost all rights to her the moment you laid a hand on her mother!” he yells as Leon backs away from him with his hands up on the defence, but Drew doesn’t stop until his fist collides with Leon's face, and I hear his nose break. He drops to the floor, clutching his face. Drew kicks forward hitting his chest so he rolls onto his back gasping for breath.

“I know, and I regret it, but I’m clean now and I need to show them how sorry I am.”

“And you thought chasing them from the only safe place they have ever known was going to achieve that?” I scoff as I stand beside Drew.

“I had to scare them, I was looking out for them! Protecting them!”