“He’s at the house?!” Calvin calls out. I’m not sure if he’s asking me or calling out to Logan as I hear him curse in the background. The sound of the phone changing hands sounds before Logan comes on the line.

“Baby, where is he now?” Logan demands.

“I don’t know Drew told me to lock the door behind him.”

“I need you to look out of the window and see if you see anything, can you do that?” he asks calmly, instantly calming my nerves. I nervously head over to the window and look out, terrified of seeing Leon in person. It’s one thing to see him through a screen, but to see him in the flesh makes my heart beat harder than before.

I look around the garden, which is basically just a patch of grass with a shed at the back. The guys haven’t done anything other than cut the grass, and why would they? At the bottom of the garden is a waist-high wooden fence and a gate which leads to a woodland area.

“The back gate is open; other than that, I can't see anything,” I tell Logan down the line as a loud bang causes me to scream out loud.

“Chels! What was that?” Logan yells down the phone, making me jump once again. My nerves are shot, and I want to get the hell away from here now.

“I don’t know. There was a bang,” I sob as the panic starts to take over. I can Feel Luna still shaking in my arms, and it’s usually enough for me to pull in my panic attack, but today it’s not.

“Baby, I need you to breathe. You are safe, Drew would never let anything happen to either of you. Breathe with me.” Logan continues to coach me through some deep breathing for a moment but stops when I hear the front door bang.

“Daddy,” Luna cries out as she rushes to Drew as he walks into the lounge. He picks her up and places a kiss on her cheek as he storms across the room and pulls me into his arms as I start crying. He somehow takes the phone from my hand and holds it to his ear.


“No, Pips driving. What’s happened?” Logan asks.

“Meet me at the location. Get our best guys there, too. I’m on my way,” Drew demands as I frown at him.

“You got him?” I hear Logan ask quietly.

“Yeah, see you in ten.” Drew ends the call and holds Luna and me close to him. “You are safe now, the man’s gone.” I hear him reassuring Luna. He looks down at me before kissing the top of my head. “He won’t be back.” He steps back and hands Luna over to me.

“I have to go, I will call when I know when we will be back; keep your phone on you.”

“Be careful,” I whisper as he threads his fingers into my hair and presses a hard kiss to my lips.

“Don’t worry about us; we know what we are doing,” he winks before kissing the top of Luna's head.

“Love you, Daddy,” she whispers as she does every time one of them leaves.

“Love you too, sweetheart,” he replies with a smile as he turns and rushes out of the room. I hold on to Luna as we hear a car door slamming before pulling away from the house.

Not knowing what to do with myself I walk over to the sofa and sit with Luna on my lap as she cries quietly. I don’t know what to say or do, as I’m terrified, but not for the reason I thought I would be.

Are we finally free? Is this the end of the nightmare that started all those years ago when I met Leon Prince? I’m too scared to believe that we are finally free from the psychological cage he has imprisoned us in. Even when he was in prison, we were never truly free of him, but now, I know the guys will make sure that he can never get near us again.

“You okay, honey?” I ask Luna quietly. She looks up at me and nods. Does she even realise that her biological father is the man she was terrified of? Or is this fear that she feels so deep inside us that she doesn’t even understand where it comes from?

I look around and feel trapped, I need to get up and move, to do anything but sit here and wait for someone to tell me what's happening.

My phone starts ringing in my hand causing us both to jump, fuck we need to do something to relax if only for a little while. Mr Young's number comes up on the screen, and I let out a deep breath before answering.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Chelsea, is there any chance you can access my computer and try to sort out my files? I don’t know what’s happened but they’re all over the place and I can’t access anything.”

As I place Luna on the sofa next to me, before standing I realise this might just be the distraction we need. There is no reason to stay hidden now, not if Leon is with the guys. I cover the phone speaker and look at Luna.

“Get your shoes on honey, we are popping out.” I watch as she climbs off the sofa, looking as eager as me to leave this house. “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes, sir, and sort it myself.”