I watch Logan put the latest recruits and Jeffery’s through their paces. He is a far better trainer than me or Drew. Logan's dedication to fitness is one of the reasons I begged him to join me when I decided to set up this company.

I’ve been in a great mood since spending time with Luna three days ago. She told me all about a school show she is participating in today, and I’ve picked up my phone so many times to see if Chelsea would mind me watching it. But as I reminded myself, Chelsea isn’t looking for a real relationship.

I probably shouldn’t have watched Luna for her the other day, but it just seemed like the right thing to do. Plus, I want to help Chelsea in any way I can. She is such a lovely lady and deserves someone to be there for her for a change. Why shouldn’t I be one of the people to help her?

“Why the fuck have I got to be here? I’ve done all this already.”

That annoying voice that’s pushing every one of Logan's buttons calls out, bringing me back to the training hall. Thomas Jefferys was possibly the worst mistake we ever made. The guy is thick as shit, lazy, and downright pathetic. On paper, he is the perfect example of a dedicated firearms officer who will happily put their life on the line to protect others. He has had awards to celebrate his bravery during attacks in the UK. But in real life, he is happy for someone else to do the hard work now, and he will reap the rewards.

“Because you have obviously forgotten everything as you let someone not only get past you when you were on duty. But you also failed to notice when they hacked into the system and caused all kinds of shit. Now stop back chatting and do sixty burpees!” Logan snaps.

“Sixty? But they only have to do thirty!”

I push myself away from the wall I’m leaning against as Logan spins on the spot and storms towards Jeffery, who instantly looks ready for a fight.

“Did you get away with back-chatting your superiors like this in the forces? I doubt it very much. If you did, I’m sure you would have had more than one disciplinary during your time with them,” Logan snaps as he looks Jefferys straight in the eye. “Every time you open your mouth and argue I will double your exercise. One hundred and twenty. Go.”

“You do one hundred and twenty!” Jeffery snaps back. Drew curses under his breath as we watch the others stop what they are doing and stare at the showdown that’s happening between Logan and the idiot.

“Two hundred and forty! Last warning.” Logan stands over Jefferys who just isn’t going to back down any time soon.

“Fucking idiot is about to sign his own death warrant,” Drew whispers next to me. I nod as I wait to see what the dickhead will do next.

“Fuck you.”

Drew and I pounce at the same time and grab Logan before he punches the stupid ass prick. Drew keeps hold of a steaming Logan, who is bulked up and ready to fight. He is near enough snarling as he glares at Jeffery who may have finally twigged. He fucked up.

“You want to work for us, you show your superiors some fucking respect!” I demand, standing in front of him. “You want to fuck around you get the hell out of this building while you can still walk,” I add pointing towards the door. I turn around and ensure I have everyone’s full attention.

“You can all listen to this. You want an easy ride? Well, there’s the fucking door! We don’t want jackasses who don’t want to put in the work. We want individuals willing to put in the hours and give everything they have. You want in on the special ops, you have to fucking earn it!” I yell looking around the room and the other fifteen people who are now all watching the showdown and turning my attention back to Jefferys. “You have two choices left. Pick up your bag, walk out of that door and don’t bother coming back. Or get in that ring with one of us, and you beat us, you keep your job, lose, and your fate depends on how well we think you fought.”

I don’t need to guess which option he will pick. He’s not the first to test our patience and try their luck. This is the option we always give them because it will never go the way they think it will. We make an example of them in front of the others and show them why we are more than capable of not only running this company but taking out any threat that comes our way.

“I’ll take the pretty boy in the ring,” Jeffreys calls, and I hear Logan laugh behind me.

“Fucking idiot,” he mutters as I point towards the ring.

“Get in there,” I snap before turning my back to him and heading to Drew, who is already losing the shirt and heading towards the ring.

“Do you think he has any idea what he just did calling Bambi pretty boy?” I ask Logan quietly. He turns to me with a grin and shakes his head. They always underestimate the damage Drew can do. You get them to pick one of the three of us, and they pick him as he’s smaller and looks less threatening. What they don’t know is that we used to use that to our advantage and send the “small, innocent” one in first. We would take them out from the inside, and they never saw it coming.

Logan holds the ropes, and Drew climbs in already loosening up. Jeffery’s climbs in as others gather around ringside.

“How about we make this more fun and take bets?” Jefferys calls out smugly, as he pisses about, not taking it seriously in the slightest.

“Fight!” I call out at the same time as the smile on his face drops.

“What?” he yells just as Drew takes out his legs, punches him in the face and has his concealed weapon to Jeffery's head before he’s even taken a breath.

“I wasn’t fucking ready!” Jefferys calls out as his hands come up defensively.

“What’s our number one rule?” I shout.

“Be prepared for anything,” the others all call out.

“Do you think someone is going to let you get ready before attacking when out there?” I call out, pointing towards the door. I hear a chorus of ‘no’ called out. I glance at Logan standing with his arms crossed over his chest, that evil grin he gets sitting smugly on his face.

“Let him up,” I call out, and Drew lets go of the pathetic prick and climbs to his feet. Jeffery’s climbs to his feet. This time, looking a little more aware of his surroundings.