“Nope, I’m going to spend it with Luna bug, and that’s final.” He looks around quickly before pressing a kiss on my lips. “I’m guessing you don’t get much help, so let me this once.”

I nod whilst whispering a thank you. Calvin winks at me before walking away and joining Luna. Her face lights up as soon as she sees him, showing no sign of any uncertainty.

I watch them momentarily, loving that she is so at ease with someone she has just met. Deep down, I know I shouldn’t let her get too close or attached to him, as who knows how long he will be around. But at this moment, it feels right watching them together, chatting happily as they watch the ladybug walk across the table. I find myself smiling as I go back to my work, knowing that Luna is happy and distracted, giving me time to get everything done I need to before treating her to dinner in her favourite place.


I lean against the doorframe, watching Luna and Calvin chatting away whilst watching her favourite Barbie film on her tablet. They have spent the last three hours laughing and joking together; Luna hasn’t been out to see me once as she has been too distracted by her Pippin.

Calvin looks up from his seat, seeing me for the first time. A wide grin spreads across his face.

“Are you all finished?” he asks. Luna turns to look at me and smiles.

“Yep, you ready to go, Luna?”

She looks from me to Calvin and lets out a deep sigh.

“Can we not stay a little longer?”

I stare at her as Calvin bursts out laughing.

“I thought you might like to go for dinner at your favourite place?” I offer, which gets her attention.

“Can Pippin come?”

“I think he’s probably had enough of you for one day,” I laugh as he frowns at me.

“I haven’t. But I think your mum wants to keep you to herself for a bit. She doesn’t usually get to finish work early,” He explains as he climbs to his feet and grabs his jacket from the back of the chair.

“When will I see you again?” Luna asks, pouting.

“Whenever you want, get Mummy to call, and we will work something out.” As he turns to walk away, Luna jumps to her feet and wraps her arms around his waist.

“Thank you for a fun day,” she whispers. Calvin hugs her back and kisses the top of her head.

“Thank you, Luna bug. It was better than sitting in the office all day, that’s for sure.” She lets him go and grabs something from the table.

“Take this with you. You said you liked it.” She hands him a picture she has drawn of the ladybug. He looks at it and smiles.

“I’m going to put this in my office. Thank you, Luna bug. I’ll see you soon.” He kisses her cheek and smiles before walking back towards the door.

“Thank you for everything today. You have no idea how much I appreciate it,” I say, placing a hand on his arm. He leans in and presses a kiss on my cheek, too.

“Any time, Chels. She’s a great kid.” We both look back to Luna, who is tidying up her things and putting them in her bag.

“Yeah, she is. I’m so lucky to have her.”

“And she’s lucky to have you,” he whispers before leaving. I look over my shoulder as he reaches the elevator, which opens for him instantly. He walks into the lift and turns, smiles, and I give him a small wave as the doors close.

“I like Pippin, Mummy. He was fun.”

I look down at Luna, who has her bag over her shoulder, ready to go. I pick up my bag from the floor where I placed it and hold out my hand for her.

“I'm glad you enjoyed this afternoon, honey. He is fun, isn’t he,” I smile as we leave the floor and head for the elevator, planning on spending the next few hours having fun together and not fantasising about what it would be like if Calvin was to join us like we were a real little family.

