Reaching the end, Peter was just about to turn around when a metallic flash caught his attention. He jogged a few yards closer and realized he was indeed looking at a woman’s purse. Knowing better than to touch possible evidence, Peter began to turn away, intending to call for the officer.

After only two steps, Peter felt a strong arm wrap around his chest and yank him back against a firm torso. His gut clenched as he smelled the unmistakable aroma of old, dried blood. When a nose pressed against his neck, Peter couldn’t help but shake as fear slithered through him.

“Oooohhhh, now don’t you smell good, little human,” the vampire purred darkly into his ear. “You were a shifter snack not too long ago. I can still smell him on you. Now you can be a snack for me.”

Peter felt his brain freeze for one heartbeat, then two. Feeling the scrape of the vampire’s fangs as he skimmed them up his neck jerked him from his stasis. Even though his panicking brain supplied that it was probably too late, Peter screamed.

* * * *

Pulling out his phone, Pisces checked his text. He read Peter’s message and smiled.

Call on Fourth and McGyver. Another one. Want to check a fresh scene?

Pisces looked at the lights flashing down the road...near Fourth and McGyver. Unbeknownst to Peter, he’d been verifying his movements all day. Of course, his mate wasn’t the only paramedic he’d followed.

After Ovram set up a police band radio in hisJeepthat morning, Pisces had headed into town. He knew from their pod’s tech guru what Peter’s ambulance handle was. Ovram had also given him a list of first responder codes.

To that end, any time something was called in, Pisces had known about it. He verified who it was, where they were going, and the reason why. Any time someone was sent to a possible assault or robbery, Pisces tailed them.

Pisces would explain later why he was so close. Instead of responding via text, he slid out of his vehicle and began walking toward the scene. He saw a paramedic wheeling a gurney toward the ambulance, but he didn’t see Peter.

Having no desire to possibly get Peter into trouble, Pisces moved down a side street. He ducked into another alley and began looking for a way to access the area from the back. Because he already had the vampire’s scent, Pisces hoped to be able to pick up the rogue’s fresh trail as he ran from the scene.

Just as Pisces thought he caught a whiff of the vamp’s scent, a blood-curdling scream rent the air. Recognizing the voice, he felt his gut clench. Bursting into a sprint, Pisces rounded a corner, and what he spotted made his blood run cold.

Peter was held in the grip of an unkempt lanky man. Stringy hair fell across his features, but Pisces could make out his blood-red eyes as the vampire stared at his mate’s jugular. A smile curved his open lips, showcasing fangs ready to pierce Peter’s throat.

“Get away from him,” Pisces roared, surging forward once more. He was only a few yards away, and he ran for all he was worth, but he feared he would still be too late.

The vampire snapped his attention to him just as Peter crumpled. After a glance at his fallen prey, the rogue sprinted in the other direction. Paranormal fast, he practically flew past a startled cop, who was probably also responding to Peter’s scream. Then the vampire disappeared around the corner and out of sight.

“Peter,” Pisces cried, dropping to his knees beside his mate. Gripping his shoulders, he tugged his human onto his lap. “Peter? Are you okay?” Threading his fingers through Peter’s hair, then down his neck, Pisces checked both sides. “Peter, can you hear me?”

“Sir, put the paramedic down and step away from him.”

Hearing the bellowed order, Pisces snapped his attention away from Peter. He saw the officer pointing the gun at the ground a few feet away from them and just bit back his growl. Scowling at the man, Pisces snarled, “Seriously?”

“Pisces?” Peter’s whisper redrew Pisces’s attention back to his mate.

“Hi, sweetheart,” Pisces murmured, doing his best to keep his voice calm. “You scared the shit out of me.”

Peter looked dazed and confused. “What are you doing here?”

“You texted me,” Pisces replied. “Remember?”

“Peter?” The officer approached, still holding his weapon at the ready. “Do you know this man?”

After blinking a couple of times, Peter seemed to start processing things a little better. “Yeah. Pisces is my boyfriend,” Peter claimed, causing a swell of pride to rush through Pisces. He glanced around. “Where’s the vam—” Peter snapped his mouth shut. Lifting his gaze to the officer, he claimed, “Officer McKellan, there was another man here. The guy who attacked Marrisa.” Furrowing his brows in obvious confusion, he muttered, “Pisces must have scared him away.”

“There was a guy who looked homeless fleeing the scene,” Officer McKellan stated, finally holstering his weapon. “You think he’s our perp?”

Peter nodded, then began to move as if intending to stand. “Yeah. Definitely.”

“Well, shit.” A muscle ticked in Officer McKellan’s jaw as he rested his hands on his hips and shook his head. “That guy flew outta here like a bat outta hell. Never seen anyone move so fast.”

Pisces made a mental note to talk to Alpha Kaiser about this guy. It was possible they would need to do a little damage control—maybe a memory adjustment.

As Peter continued to make as if to stand, Pisces quickly moved to help him. He didn’t like the way his mate seemed so unsteady. Keeping a grip on one arm, Pisces offered Peter his support.