“Are you okay, sweetheart?” Pisces asked again.

Peter slowly nodded his head while resting one hand against a wall. Using his chin, he indicated a purse lying nearby. “I was going to come find you, officer, when he grabbed me.” Then Peter seemed to gain enough strength to push off the wall and stand on his own. “That guy was definitely going to bite me like he did Marrisa. Said I smelled good.” He seemed to catch himself again and pointed at the purse. “Anyway, I think that’s Marrisa’s purse, but I didn’t want to touch it if it’s evidence.”

“Good call, Peter,” Officer McKellan stated with a slight nod. “I’ll collect it. Then I’ll need your statement about the attack.” After a glance between them, the officer added, “As well as the best description I can get from you two.”

Well, shit. So much for chasing a fresh scent.

Hopefully, by the time Pisces was finished, the trail wouldn’t have been too disrupted.

After all, seeing to my mate’s welfare always comes first.

Chapter Six

“You sure you’re okay to finish out your shift?” Ryley stared at him with worry in his dark eyes.

Peter nodded. “Yeah.” He patted his partner’s arm. “I’ll be okay.” Then he climbed into the back with Marrisa, who was only too happy to have her purse back.

Evidently, due to the fabric being impossible to get prints off of, Officer McKellan had returned it to her without delay.

Ryley took Peter at face value and closed the doors.

Peter spent the ride keeping an eye on Marrisa while doing a few deep breathing exercises of his own. He didn’t know what shocked him more—getting snagged by the vampire or having Pisces turn up to save him. Peter would definitely have some questions about that, but he knew that at the scene was not the appropriate time.

Fortunately, Pisces seemed to realize it, too. He’d pecked a hard kiss to Peter’s lips, then let him go.

After leaving Marrisa in the hospital staff’s care, Peter and Ryley climbed in the back of the ambulance to prep it for the next call.

“Sooooo.” Ryley grinned at Peter. “That was one-date-blowjob guy, huh?” He waggled his eyebrows playfully. “Pisces, no last name.”

“Well, at least now I know his last name,” Peter replied, although he figured Pisces’s last name wasn’t really Ratherton, no matter what his driver’s license said.

Ryley sobered as he nodded. “You shouldn’t have been in that alley,” he grumbled. “It should have been another cop. You should have been safely with me.”

Peter shrugged. “Probably right.” Resting his hand on Ryley’s upper arm, he gave it a squeeze. “But we can’t change what happened, so how about we concentrate on the fact that I’m okay. Hmm?”

After blowing out another huff, Ryley nodded. “Fair enough.”

They only had one call after that, and they were able to clean and restock their ambulance with plenty of time to finish paperwork and clock out on time.

“Doing anything fun on your three days off?” Ryley asked, his grin lascivious. “Other than Pisces, of course.”

“Ryley, you are way too interested in my love life, man,” Peter stated with a laugh. “I really think you need to go out and get laid.”

With a grunt, Ryley looked away, the mirth sliding from his features.

“Hey.” Standing in the evening sun outside the ambulance bay, Peter gripped Ryley’s upper arm. “What’s wrong?”

Using his other hand to rub the back of his neck, Ryley met Peter’s gaze. “I’ve tried a few times, but I just can’t seem to find anyone that makes my prick perk up.”

Ryley mumbled the words so quietly that Peter was surprised he managed to hear them.

After a quick glance around, Peter kept his voice low when he asked, “You havin’ trouble getting it up?” Knowing erectile dysfunction was a damn sensitive subject for most men, he quickly murmured, “There’s medication for that now.”

With a quick shake of his head, Ryley tipped his head and started them walking again. He didn’t say anything until he reached his SUV. Then he leaned against it and shoved his hands into his pockets.

“Not havin’ that kind of trouble,” Ryley claimed, a frown marring his features as he glanced from Peter to the ground and back again. “Just can’t find any ladies that interest me.” Before Peter could ask if maybe he needed new hunting grounds, Ryley scoffed and muttered, “But there was this one guy that—” He shook his head. “Yeah, that was a shocker, right there.”

Peter thought he was starting to understand. “You know, even at your age, it’s okay to experiment.” When Ryley squinted at him, he teased, “After all. You said it. You’re thirty-six, not that old.”