Page 85 of Redemption

“Perfect.” She grins back at me as she draws her bow from her back and strings an arrow with no effort at all. I pull my swords from my back in one swift move, loving the way the sun gleams off the smooth metal, then wrap my power along the blade. I’m ready to deliver blow after deadly blow to our enemies.

Adrian plants himself on my right, while Osias and Octavia take their positions to my left. Adrian draws his sword from the sheath on his back and pushes his power out around us, shielding as many people as possible and spreading his clones as far in front of us as he possibly can.

“The southern front is ready,” Osias announces as he pulls his own sword at the ready. Fire and electricity spiral along it, reminding me of my mate.

She’s safe, I remind myself. She has Kyros, Maximus, and Titus by her side—not that she needs any of them to help her. I swear she could take on a whole army on her own if she needed to, but that doesn’t quell the need to keep her safe that pulses with every beat of my heart.

“I’ll give Liv the signal.” I let the battle lust take complete control of me, trusting my powers to lead us and keep our troops as safe as possible.

“We’re ready for you, little mate,”I project, sending as much assurance as I can through the bond.

“See you soon, my god of war.”Her words echo in my mind, bringing a smile to my lips as my blood sings with power, bringing every inch of my body alive.

“And now we wait.”

The seconds seem to pass in slow motion, my body poised and ready as Osias sends out a battle call to each of our soldiers, students, guardians, demigods, and gods. They hear the war trumpets in their mind—the first sign of battle, and a warning to be prepared.

A low-pitched shout echoes first from behind us, and then in front of us as we start the rallying cry. The sound vibrates through me, from my head to my toes, only urging my battle lust higher and higher.

The sound reaches its crescendo just as the first flash of green erupts in front of us. A giant tear rips through the air, its edges black as smoke billows from the gap. Demons of all shapes and sizes climb through the opening. The first wave are taken out one-by-one by Irene’s arrows. They strike their marks true, piercing through the demons’ heads, causing them to fall to the ground with a booming thud that echoes through the courtyard.

The dark gods must have realized their tactic of sending the weaker demons through in groups small enough to fit through the tear was a bad idea, since the next wave is the gods themselves, clearly aiming to keep us busy while they allow the mortal soldiers to spread their way onto the battlefield.

A grin spreads across my lips as they play into exactly what I wanted to happen.

“Keep your eyes peeled for Romulus,” I announce to those closest to me as I raise my sword, signaling the first wave of the attack to be ready on my mark.

Adrian’s clones battle against the gods, while Irene continues to take out as many demons as she can, but the gap is already widening, allowing for more to filter through than she can keep up with.

“First row, charge!” I announce, leading the group as we sprint towards the gods already filtering through the clones, and heading them off before they’re able to take more ground.

The first row of gods stream forward with me at the center, our group spreading into an arrow formation, meant to pierce through their ranks. I aim my swords at the nearest enemy god and unleash an explosion powerful enough to blow him and the five gods nearest to him back as others place them in makeshift restraints.

A grin spreads across my lips as Nyssa comes swooping in beside me, her golden wings glittering in the sun as her binds wrap around the incapacitated gods like a whip and she drags three along behind her, depositing them in the holding area her and Orrin have set up.

I slash my sword at the next dark god I see, but they duck the blow at the last second. The lack of impact doesn’t upset me though as I let loose another blast of battle energy at the group of gods behind him, taking three out at once. They fly backwards just in time for Nyssa’s next pass.

“God of War.” A woman’s voice filters through the battle cries and clashes of metal on metal, sending shivers of dread up my spine.

“On it,” Adrian says, his clones already surrounding her before she has the opportunity to use her powers on anyone.

My golden feathers spread behind me, lifting me into the air with one strong flap, and I unleash my battle magic on her before she even has a chance to spot me looming over her.


A shiver of disgust rolls over my skin as I watch her fall to the ground, completely knocked unconscious by the direct blow.

“Nyssa,” I call to the god of justice as she swoops back around, wasting no time pointing the bitch out.

“Good call.” She grimaces as she dives and lassos the god of lust. If there’s one person you want to take out early in a fight, it’s Aurelia.

With one blast of her lust, she can incapacitate her opponent, or worse, turn them to her side to do her bidding. Otherwise, without that power she’s pretty useless in a fight. It makes sense that Romulus would want to send her out first to try to shift the tide as much as she can before anyone catches sight of her.

Too bad she wasn’t in on the plan, because letting me know exactly where she was wasn’t the smartest idea. I don’t even mind that Nyssa is forced to only take her this round.

I cut through dark god after dark god, fighting through the ones that I can while knocking others out with my powers for Nyssa to collect. As she takes yet another one, I wonder when the real forces will come out. Most of the gods I’ve seen so far have been on the lower levels of power, a distraction, meant to waste time—but why?

I glance around at the battlefield as we push back the lower-level demons, letting the troops behind us converge on them, easily taking them out.