Page 86 of Redemption

“Do you have a link to Lysander, and Linus?” I ask Irene as she floats a few feet off the ground, launching arrows into our enemies.

“Yes,” she shouts, as I swing my sword and it clangs off another god.

“God of Fury.” The title slips from my lips automatically as his sword arcs down towards me again, and I easily block it before swinging with my second one, slicing across his arm.

He sucks in a sharp breath, but barely falters as another two gods converge on me. I easily blast them both back, wanting to focus on Nicholas before me.

“It was always fun sparring with you before you went to the dark side.” I grin, spinning expertly, but his sword is already there, blocking me as I slam both of mine down on his.

“I don’t know if I’d call it fun,” he grunts, slamming his elbow towards me, but I dodge at the last second, toying with him so I can see just how riled up he still gets.

“Stop playing with him,” Osias scolds as he takes out another god with a snap of his fingers. The binds of justice wrap around her as she’s dissipated into the holding section.

Show off.

“Fine,” I grumble. “Sorry about this, buddy.”

Nicholas’ brows knit together, his sword already slicing towards me, but I duck it and arc my own down on his arm, sweeping my leg out at the same time to knock him back off his feet. The steel shreds through his clothing then flesh, severing his arm as he falls to the ground.

“Motherfucker,” Nicholas screams, grasping desperately for the missing limb.

“It will regrow.” I wave him off before I land a swift kick to his face, knocking him out. “At least I hope.”

I frown down at him for a moment before rejoining the fight, immediately taking on two more gods.

Damn, there’s so many of these fuckers that I forgot about over the years.

“Has anyone seen Romulus yet?” I shout to Osias as I slam the hilt of the sword into a god’s face and swiftly land a kick to her chest that sends her hurtling backwards.

“Not yet,” Osias says through gritted teeth. He and Octavia work together like a well-oiled machine as they clear a path towards the rifts as more and more demons sweep through. “Any suggestions?”

“Irene,” I shout to my general now perched in a tree, taking opponents out right and center with her ever-replenishing arrows. “Do we have any word on what’s happening at the bottom of the hill?”

“A swarm of demons were heading down there the last I saw, but they’re focusing the attack up here.” Irene lines up her next shot, her braided hair swinging over her shoulder as her arrow aims true, piercing through the skull of a fire demon.

I purse my lips and decide I don’t want to leave anything to chance. We need a better picture of what’s going on down there if we’re going to win this fight. “I’ll check it out and decide our next move.”

“We’ll be here,” Osias says snarkily as my wings spread behind me. I launch myself up off the ground with a blast of my power, shooting myself into the air for my wings to take over.

I soar over the battlefield, letting my powers take hold as I assess the situation.

Our ranks have circled the rift, the troops swarming the enemies and moving them aside to make room for more. A smile curls on my lips as I spot god, demigod, guardians, and students working together as one. But as I sweep closer to the edge of the hill, my smile fades.

Some of our soldiers are up on the hill’s edge, looking as though they followed the retreating dark fighters near it, forgetting in the heat of the battle that we have more warriors below, ready and waiting to take them out before they can escape or lay in wait. A trickle of demons and dark gods make their way down the hill, unprepared for the forces that wait within the trees, ready to take them out when they least expect it.

I don’t like the idea of them fighting so close to the hill, but there aren’t enough of the demons heading that way to be a major concern.

I circle around the rift and raise my sword, about to send a blast towards the dark gods that linger on the hill’s edge when a shock rocks through the ground below. Light and dark forces alike stumble as trees crash around them. Some narrowly avoid being crushed at the last second as wood splinters, sending the trees crashing towards the ground.

Screams echo around the battlefield, but I remain airborne, using the advantage to plan our offensive for whatever, or whoever, is about to make their way to the tear in the realm. I sweep around to the side facing the school, knowing instinctively that whatever is about to emerge will attack there first.

Black smoke creeps out from the edges of the rip in our world. It slinks along the ground, slithering threateningly like a snake as it approaches its victims. A blast of air sweeps forward as Osias barrels his way through the crowd, Ocatvia at his side as her own shadows sweep forth to battle against the incoming ones. The air and light slam into them just as they reach the ankles of the soldiers nearest to them. Agonized screams echo through the courtyard as the smoke sears against their skin, the sizzling audible even from up here.

It doesn’t discriminate, burning the flesh of anyone it encounters, until it’s pushed back by Osias and Octavia’s powers. A bright healing light bursts from Osias’ palms as Octavia battles against the shadows, surrounding them and pushing them back inch by inch. Osias’ healing light sweeps over our soldiers at the front line, healing their flesh from the searing shadows as they take the front line.

Fuck, I have to get down there with them.

I swoop down, mere feet from the ground when the crash sounds again, the force sending a shockwave through the air and straight towards the light and dark gods on the front line. My wings jolt me above the blast at the last second and I send out an explosion of my own, hoping to stop at least some of the force before it barrels into its unsuspecting victims.