Page 84 of Redemption

He frowns at my wording, knowing that he can’t argue. There honestly isn’t any other choice though. With the wards on the school, the only places to dissipate into are the house or in the middle of the battle that is surely already underway.

“Of course,” Titus says with a nod of understanding.

I don’t know if I should tell Nelle the truth about what actually happened here today, but I know he definitely should, sooner rather than later.

“I want to come—”

“No.” The word leaves my lips at the same time that Titus voices his protest.

I purse my lips not wanting to scold her for coming in the first place because without her, I have no doubt in my mind that Titus might not be here with us.

“Can you stand?” Titus asks as he pulls himself up and holds out a hand for Nelle. I wait with bated breath as I watch them, looking for any sign that I might need to step in and help them, but with Titus’ help, Nelle stands, keeping her hand in his as they prepare to dissipate.

“Take care of her,” I remind him, knowing I really don’t have to when he gives me a solemn nod. The bond might have been snapped between them, but it doesn’t change the fact that she’s his mate, his perfect match. That knowledge can never be taken away from him.

I close the distance and wrap them both in a tight hug, unable to let them go without showing them a fraction of the love I hold for each of them. I may not know the pain that snap caused, but I do know that I never want to find out.

I take a step back and Kyros wraps an arm around my waist. Maximus is already there too, his thick fingers twinning with my own as we watch them dissipate away.

“I’m assuming you know exactly what happened here,” Kyros says, his brows knitting together.

“I do, and I’ll tell you all later,” I say, focusing my power on the next obstacle before us.

I have no doubt that both the academy and Ethereal are under siege right now, and they need our help. I glance at the dagger sheathed at my side, and a smile curls on my lips.

“Now it’s time to take care of Romulus, once and for all.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


“WasthatNelle?”Adrianasks after a woman latches onto Olivia’s arm, her black hair flying wildly behind her as she reaches her at the very last second and both their forms dissipate into the swirling wind.

“Is everything okay?”I project to them all, my jaw ticking as I wait for Olivia to reply.

“It was just Nelle,”she responds, and I can already tell how unimpressed she is.“She’s fine and everything is clear here. We can still go with the plan.”

“Okay, little mate. I’ll let your parents know.”

“That was Nelle,” Adrian confirms, snorting in disbelief.

“I love that girl like she’s my own daughter, but sometimes she doesn’t know when to leave well enough alone,” Osias huffs out in exasperation, scrubbing a hand over his face.

“Well, think of it this way, if the tables were reversed do you really think Liv would let her go on her own?” Adrian asks smugly.

“You have a point,” Osias admits. “Now let’s get everyone into position, because if we’re right, we won’t have long after she calls for the dagger.”

I nod and launch into action, ordering groups into their places with Irene by my side.

“Have you checked in with Linus and Lysander?” I ask as I ensure the students are in their place at the back. We have a line of gods at the front as our first line of defense, and one at the back, tasked with keeping the students safe.

“Linus is in position in the infernal realm. He has his eyes on the dark gods, so we’ll know exactly when they mobilize,” Irene shouts over the battle calls erupting around us. The calls to action trigger my battle lust, but I push it down, knowing I need to focus on the other fronts too. “Lysander let me know that everyone is in position in Ethereal. They have groups posted at the entrance and each of the waterways, but they’re prepared to converge on one point at a moment’s notice.”

“Excellent work.” I nod in appreciation, a smile already spreading across my face as we take our places at the front lines.

“I try.” She chuckles. “I can see the battle lust has already taken its hold.”

I shake out the tension in my shoulders, allowing my power to wash over me. “Now it has.”