Page 91 of Redemption

“Nice work,” Nyssa calls out from above me, her golden powers lassoing around their listless bodies and tugging them up into the air with her. I give her a thumbs up with one arm while I send a fireball hurtling towards a dark god who tries to sneak up on my right. The flames spread over his clothes, and he hurriedly tries to put them out, giving me enough time to suck the air out of his lungs, leaving him gasping for a breath that will never come. He falls to his knees, trying to desperately fill his lungs until his limbs go still and he falls the rest of the way into the crater, knocked out and ready for pickup.

“Keep checking the hole,” I call up to Nyssa as she flies away, carrying her two unconscious gods along behind her. She lifts a hand in thanks before she gets out of range, sweeping over the treetops towards the makeshift jail they created.

I really wonder if there are going to be enough cells by the time this is over. Pushing down the feeling of unease, I arc my sword towards another god—no, not god. Domenic.

“Help them,” he whispers, his words nearly catching me off guard as a dark god attacks on the other side.

“Domenic,” I growl, sure that this must be some sort of ploy. I send a bolt of lightning at the other attacker, their body jerking as the electricity jolts through them until they slump over, their unmoving form oh so close to the hole. Dammit.

“I think Helene is going to go after Kali and Zina,” Domenic says as I push him back, our swords grinding against each other with the force. The metallic grate pierces my ears, and I grit my teeth, not knowing whether to trust him.

“Where are they?” I ask, hesitating for just a moment. My brows knit together as I watch him, still not trusting that this isn’t some sort of trick.

“They’re over there,” Domenic points to the other side of the fountain. I barely switch my gaze, unwilling to take my eyes off him for too long. A flash of light erupts on my other side and I send my shield out just in time to block a strike of golden magic from piercing Domenic’s skull.

He sucks in a startled breath, his gaze bewildered as he looks from me to where the magic was just moments before, inches from colliding into him.

“I’ll keep my friends safe, thanks for the head’s up.” I give him a blank stare, still not knowing what to make of this. But, one thing I know for sure is I’m not going to turn my back on him, even for a second.

A pained look crosses over his features, but it’s gone in the next moment. “I understand you don’t trust me, but I’ll always look out for my friends.”

I don’t dare say another word as he slinks away, probably going to hide back at Helene’s side. Shaking my head, I focus on the sea of bodies surrounding me. I scan the distance as I dodge attacks left and right, throwing a few more gods into the hole for Nyssa to pick up while I search for Maximus’ massive form.


He and Helene have moved closer to the opposite side of the fountain, inching closer and closer to where my friends are. Domenic meets my gaze from over her shoulder, eyes wide in warning.


I launch into motion, sword blazing as I tear through the dark gods and demigods surrounding me, fighting my way around the other side of the fountain. At this point I don’t even care where bodies are flung, knowing Nyssa will locate them somehow—my singular focus is cutting through my enemies in enough time to get to my friends.

Kali’s red hair flashes in the distance, her powers creating a large weed sprouting up under a dark demigod as Zina blasts a wave of water at him from the fountain. Stacia and Katrina chant a spell as Lucas aims a thunderous blast at him, knocking him unconscious and binding him in a power restraining cuff. They work together as a flawless team, destroying whoever comes near them systematically. I can’t help the smile that spreads across my lips, pride burning in my chest for how far my friends have come with their powers.

The smile quickly falls as a flash of Helene’s ponytail catches my eye.

“Domenic warned me that Helene is going to try to attack my friends,”I warn Maximus as I cut through another god, using the hilt of my sword to knock him unconscious before moving to the next one.

Maximus tries to spot where they are as she takes another step back, a wide vortex of air swirling around her to keep anyone else at bay.

“She’s leading you towards them,”I warn, not wanting him to become too distracted.

“Got it,”he projects back, his gust of air melding with hers and stopping her in place. She jerks backwards, her momentum stopped by the warring forces of wind.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I get closer and closer, knowing that at least Maximus will buy me some time to get over to them. Gritting my teeth, I send a stream of wind whipping towards a dark god as purple sparks ignite from his palms, but he’s too late. My magic wraps around him, stealing the air and tying him in place. His face goes red as he struggles for a breath before he finally passes out. The air drops from around him, whipping out to launch another into the forest as my desperation ratchets up a notch. My focus is split between my friends and the battle for control unfolding between Maximus and Helene, each of them desperately trying to gain the upperhand, but their control of the air is a perfect match.

If this was a wide open space, Maximus would have no problem burying her beneath a landslide of rocks and earth, but doing that here would be disastrous to say the least. I suck in a deep breath as I knock out the last god in my way, hurrying around them to block the other side.

“Liv?” Kali exclaims from behind me, but I don’t dare move. Not when Helene looks like she’s seconds from breaking free from the tenuous hold Maximus has on her.

“Keep doing what you’re doing,” I call back to her, shielding them from an oncoming golden spear of power. “You guys are doing great.”

“Okay?” Lucas says, his tone thick with confusion, but I can’t focus on that.

The wind picks up around Helene and Maximus, the swirling vortex turning into a tornado with each second that passes. Domenic ducks out of the way at the last second to avoid being picked up in their destructive force. I grit my teeth as I look around us. I have to do something. If I don’t, I have no doubt that the tornado will tear through the courtyard, indiscriminately sucking people in.

I break through the gods standing between me and the cyclone, and send a shock of electricity into the center, right where Helene stands. An agonized scream rips through the air, but it does nothing to stop the tornado as it swirls closer and closer. What turned out as an attempt to stop Helene, is now just helping her.

The gods I pushed through now flee, clearly understanding the strength of the oncoming attack and wanting to get the hell out of the way. I push a wall of flame before me, knowing she’ll either have to pull her power back or head directly into the fire. The swirling debris gets closer and closer, and I grit my teeth, really hoping this works, otherwise I’m going to have to clear everyone out of here before a giant flame tornado destroys everything in its path.