Page 90 of Redemption

“If I didn’t love you before, I sure as hell would after that,” a familiar voice says to my right.

An automatic grin spreads across my face as I send a blast of destruction power at the next demon, already turning to greet my god of illusion. His arms wrap around my waist, twirling me around as he presses a kiss to my cheek … my cheek that just so happens to be coated in green sticky demon blood.

He grimaces as he pulls away and gently lowers me to the ground, spitting out the foul taste from his mouth.

Note to self: No more kissing until this battle is over and we’ve all had a shower.

“I did not think that one through,” Adrian says, frowning as I slice through a fire demon charging towards us.

“Any luck getting to the dark gods?” I ask, trying to spot some of his clones in the melee.

“I have a few clones here, but it’s been harder to get through this pack of demons,” Adrian says as he brings his sword down on a chaos demon, narrowly avoiding the gleaming tips of his claws.

“If you have this, we can fly to the center of the battle,” Maximus grunts as he uses his destruction power to dismember two of the demons closest to him, their bodies breaking apart as though they’d been disintegrated from the inside.

“Yeah, I can take care of these guys,” Adrian says as he spears his sword into a demon, while swiftly kicking another one away. A sea of clones appear beside him with swords poised in their hands. They charge the demons en masse, freeing Maximus and us up to take a step away.

“Am I carrying you?” I ask excitedly, overjoyed by the thought of being the one to get him across.

“I have my ways,” Maximus grumbles, shaking his head in disbelief. With that, a swirling wind wraps around my mate, the force of the hurricane level winds lifting him into the air as though he has wings of his own. I suck in a sharp breath and watch him in awe, before belatedly realizing I need to fly too.

I call on my golden wings and they unfurl from my back, the feathers shining in the streams of sunlight that break through the clouds. A wave of relief washes through me as I pull my shield tightly around our forms and lift into the sky, my wings sending me upwards as I meet Max in the air. Despite the chaos and death surrounding us, I can’t help but smile at my god of destruction who never ceases to surprise me.

Lightning and strikes of green magic flash in the distance, drawing my focus back to what we need to do. The wind carries us towards the fountain, and I scan the area, trying to decide where to land. I sweep the area, looking for the biggest threat, when a stream of water shoots from the fountain spearing straight towards us. I spot the god who cast the power as it ricochets off my shield.


Maximus follows my gaze as I stare daggers at the god of sea. Her sleek black hair is pulled into a tight ponytail as she bares her teeth at me, her calculating glare already planning her next attack. Of course, Domenic stands right beside her, his lips quirked to the side as he stands awkwardly, as though he doesn’t really want to be here.

Well, newsflash, none of us do. I’m not sure what he thought Helene was going to have him do, bake cupcakes?

“Let’s get that bitch,”I project to Maximus, as I block a spear of water heading straight towards us.

He gives me a terse nod and we lower ourselves to the ground, our swords at the ready the moment we get within striking range. I lash out at the dark god nearest to me, while Maximus charges at Helene. Their swords crash as they collide in a flurry of sparks, and I redirect my focus towards the brunette god before me. Her hair is curled, almost in ringlets, the resemblance niggling a memory locked at the back of my mind.

“You must be the bitch who killed my daughter,” the woman grunts as a strike of lightning flashes from her palm and runs down the edge of her blade.

I suck in a sharp breath, and send along a bolt of my own where it meets hers in the middle with a flash and an explosive boom that reverberates through my chest. The god grits her teeth and her sword arcs towards me again, fury blazing in her gaze.


I shake off the tendril of dread that slithers its way around my heart, reminding myself that I did what I needed to. I’ll choose my friends and family over some wicked bitch any day.

I shrug my shoulders and block her attack, flames erupting as the steel clangs together. “Where were you?”

A scream tears from her lips as a bolt of lightning slams into my shield. I suck the power into myself and send it crashing back towards her, not wanting the deadly electricity to bounce off and hit someone else.

“Did I strike a nerve?” I chuckle as a ball of fire shoots towards her. She narrowly dodges the flames and I extinguish them before they hit someone else by mistake. “Get it …strike?”

I send a bolt of lightning towards her, but she already has one ready to go. The two crash in an explosion that rocks the earth beneath us, the lightning slamming into the earth in an effort to escape. A large crater forms between us and she stumbles forward, nearly teetering over the edge.

“Look, you seem as lovely as your daughter, and that’s not saying much.” I grit my teeth and form a tornado to surround her, knowing that we aren’t getting anywhere right now. I need to knock this bitch out and move onto the next one before they gain any more ground. “But I really have to be going right now. Say goodnight.”

“What?” she screeches, but before she can make another sound, I free a large rock revealed by the crater and sweep it up into the tornado. The rock crashes into her skull and she leans to the side, only kept upright by the force of the wind whipping around her.

I call my power back to me, the wind dissipating into a strong gust of air, allowing her body to crash to the ground along with the rock that thuds beside her. A flash of movement catches my eye, and I send a gust of air to wrap around an approaching dark god, knocking them into the hole too. The wind guides them down so their head crashes against the solid rock too, blood already coating its slick surface.

I wave a hand above me and signal Nyssa as she loops over me, pointing down to the two fallen dark gods lying in an unconscious heap.