His jaw grinds, and indecision wars in his gaze as he hesitates for one final second.
I launch myself towards him, not giving him another moment of grace, but just as I lash out with the blade, it slices through thin air, his body already broken apart on the silent wind as he dissipates away.
“Well that was anticlimactic,” Titus breathes, grimacing as he clutches his chest.
“Just stay still for a second,” Kyros warns as his healing light sweeps over first Titus then Nelle, healing any superficial wounds they may have.
Whatever pain is radiating through them right now can’t be healed with magic, if it can ever really be repaired at all.
Nelle reluctantly lets go of his shirt and fists her hands in her lap like she doesn’t know what to do with them anymore.
“We need to get back,” Titus urges, trying to stand, yet his legs wobble beneath him.
I hurriedly sheath my dagger, switching my focus now that I’m sure the god of storms is gone. For now.
“Here,” I say as I conjure a large, plush sofa, knowing that we need to check each of them over before finding a way to bring them back that won’t put them in the middle of a battle. I grimace as I survey all three of them, already knowing that Nelle won’t be fighting, but right now it looks like all three of them should be put on bed rest.
“I’m so sorry for unleashing on you before, Titus,” my god of healing says as he helps my brother to his feet and shifts him towards the sofa.
“It’s fine.” Titus tries to wave him off but instead he collapses onto the cushions.
“No it’s not,” Kyros replies, his brows furrowing as he scans over my brother. “I blamed you for all this, meanwhile you planned to sacrifice yourself.”
“In your defense, I hadn’t figured out that was what was needed, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have been so nice,” Titus chuckles, but the laugh doesn’t last for long as he clutches his chest and sucks in a sharp, pained breath.
Nelle’s eyes widen and she tries to stand, but she wobbles on her knees instead. Maximus helps to steady her, but despite some of the color returning to his face, he doesn’t look like he’s much better off.
Rushing over to them, I catch Nelle’s arm and support her weight as I hoist her up. Kyros is already by Maximus’ side, helping to guide him over to the couch too. We gently lower them each down and share a look, both of us clearly trying to figure out what we should do with the three of them.
“Don’t,” Maximus grumbles, shifting on the couch as though he’s about to get up. I place a tentative hand on his shoulder in an attempt to make him rest for a few more minutes.
“I’m not an invalid, I’m the god of destruction. Just give me a minute and I’ll be out there burying our enemies alive.”
“While the sentiment is sweet, I think you should all sit the rest of this one out.” I tap him on the shoulder and tune out the chorus of outraged refusals that meld together into a symphony of disgruntled injured people.
I send my healing powers through Maximus, trying my best to mend anything physical. There are a few scrapes here and there, but I pinpoint the cause of his lack of energy, and it isn’t anything I can heal right now.
“I agree,” Kyros interjects, cutting their protests off. “I think the three of you should go back to the house and rest.”
“I’ll be fine,” Maximus grumbles, and I dubiously take another assessing sweep over his energy. I guess I can admit it seems to be replenishing at an amazing rate now, making me think he might actually be telling the truth. I press the back of my palm to his forehead, already noticing he isn’t burning up anymore.
“I think he’s gaining his energy back, but I’m not sure if we should risk it,”I project to Kyros.
Kyros steps forward and sweeps his powers over him next too, his eyes widening a fraction as he must sense the same thing I did.
“What’s going on?” Maximus grumbles. “You know I can tell when you’re talking through the link.”
I can’t help the way my lips twitch at that, remembering when I said the very same thing the other day. Oh how the tables turn.
“We were just noticing that your energy seems to be returning quickly,” Kyros huffs in exasperation. “If you truly feel fine, I don’t see any issue with it, especially with how stubborn you are.”
Maximus grumbles something under his breath but doesn’t argue.
“Titus, will you take Nelle back to the house and keep her safe there?” I ask, giving him a pointed look.