Page 24 of Redemption

Even though I haven’t had the chance to train with Octavia yet, I still worked up a sweat helping my friends. It was an adjustment being the person giving the instructions, but I loved watching them improve their handle on their powers. Even Zina was able to access the air energy.

“But our mate hasn’t seen Ethereal yet. Are you saying she should miss out just because some gods and demigods might hurl rotten fruit at her half-brothers?” Mateo asks in his disapproving tone.

I swallow down the last bit of my sandwich, nearly choking as a laugh slips out at Kyros’ bewildered expression.

“Of course I’m not saying she should miss out,” Kyros says, turning a concerned look on me as Adrian claps my back, making sure I don’t choke on my food. “I’m saying we should wait for a better time.”

“Is there going to be a better time though?” Maximus grumbles as he strides over from the stairs he was leaning against. “We’re in the middle of a war right now, and she deserves to see her rightful home.”

“Yes, I understand that,” Kyros sighs, looking down at the papers strewn in front of him. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, I just really wanted to be there the first time you went, and with all this planning, I’m not sure that’s possible right now.”

“So, bring it with you,” I say, reaching across the table to clasp his hand. “I want you all to be there too, but mostly I want to see where you all live, and I’m sure you can get work done there, no?”

“You’re right,” Kyros agrees, his delicious dimples showing as he grins back at me, his honey-brown eyes soft and warm.

“So it’s settled,” Mateo declares, the wooden chair scraping across the floor as he stands abruptly.

“What’s been settled?” Octavia asks, clearly having missed the entire conversation. She strides down the stairs, and I admire the grace she carries herself with as the train of her gown trails behind her. It seems surreal still that she’s really here, but she fits in perfectly.

I’ve never seen my dad happier.

“It seems we’re all going to Ethereal,” my father says, a smile spreading across his face as he looks over his shoulder at her, despite his annoyance that we’ve all invited ourselves on this trip.

“Are we sure that’s a good idea?” Octavia asks, gliding over to the dining room table to stand behind my father. She pointedly looks towards Titus and Kallen, giving them a sympathetic look. It was their home at one point too, yet after everything they’ve done, I’m not sure many of the gods or demigods will welcome them back with open arms.

“Yeah, I mean, you all are more than welcome to go, but I think we should stay here,” Titus says, leaning back against the sofa and placing his hands behind his head.

“There’s no way I’m going there,” Kallen agrees, awkwardly shifting on the couch.

I still haven’t completely figured him out yet. Does he even feel any remorse for what he’s done, or is he truly only here because of Titus?

“I think it would be a good idea if you two joined us,” I announce, drawing a few curious gazes. “With everything that’s happened, the gods and demigods in Ethereal should know where you stand. Plus, you should have to face them after everything you’ve done.”

I catch Kallen’s gaze, and his lips turn down into a frown before he breaks eye contact with me.

“There’s only one way we’re going to know if he’s truly willing to break ties with Romulus, and that’s if he faces what he’s done and shows remorse. Until then, I still won’t trust him,”I project to the guys.

“I also don’t think it would be a good idea to leave you both here unescorted in the academy,” my father adds. “So it’s settled, we’ll all go to Ethereal. Let’s gather up anything we might need and get ready.”

“You’re sure about this?” Octavia asks, her arms wrapped around her chest as a cool breeze flutters past us.

“I’m sure,” my father answers, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “They’ll see the truth, my love.”

He presses a kiss to her temple and looks at me. I shake my head and turn from them, still not used to my father’s PDA.

I took the opportunity to shower and change into something other than my workout clothes while the others were gathering supplies. The hem of my knee-length red dress flutters in the wind, and I smooth it down, not needing a Marilyn Monroe moment right now.

“I really don’t think this is a good idea,” Titus sighs, raking his hand back through his dark-brown hair, his light-brown eyes gleaming in the orb light as he looks off into the distance.

“Yeah, we’ll be lucky if they don’t tie us to the gates and use us for target practice,” Kallen grumbles, his black jacket shifting as he crosses his arms over his chest.

“Now that would be entertaining,” Adrian chuckles, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I lean into the embrace, grateful for the warmth. Despite the light cardigan I threw on, the chill of the night air still creeps in, eliciting goosebumps along my arms in its wake.

“No one is being strung up on the gates,” my father groans.

“Never say never,” Maximus grumbles, cutting a glare towards Kallen.

I reach out and take his hand in mine, loving the way my hand fits against his large calloused palms.