Page 25 of Redemption

“Is everyone ready?” My father cuts in, tapping his foot impatiently, his leather loafers echoing off the stone pathway.

“Coming,” Kyros shouts from the front door to the manor, a light leather briefcase in tow. He hurriedly closes the door and sprints down the pathway to where we’re waiting past the wards. “I just had a few more books to gather.”

“Are you even going to have enough time to read all those books?” Mateo huffs in amusement, eyeing the papers sticking out the front of the corner of the briefcase.

“Maybe I can borrow one of those—”

“No,” Adrian cuts Titus off abruptly. My brows furrow as I look at him, curious as to why he’s so protective over Kyros’ books. “Sorry man, you’re not going to be following us.”

Adrian gives me a mischievous grin and winks, not bothering to explain anymore.

These men.

“On that note, let’s go,” my father says. “I’ve already adjusted the wards to you both, so you shouldn’t have a problem getting past them for now.”

“That doesn’t sound very—” Titus begins, but before he can finish his sentence, my father and Octavia are gone, dissipating into a silent wind. “—promising.”

Adrian chokes on his laugh, covering his face in an attempt to disguise it, but judging by the glare Titus pins him with, it didn’t work.

“I’ll dissipate you in since you’ve never been there before, angel,” Adrian explains, his arm sliding across my back to clasp my hand.

“Ah, just like old times,” I giggle, squeezing his hand.

We don’t waste another moment, the silent wind sweeping our bodies away, breaking us apart and putting us together again. Bright orb light is the first thing that registers as my vision focuses, the ground beneath my feet is hard, solid, and ... uneven?


The rest of my mates dissipate in next, and I barely register my father and Octavia in front of me, my attention drawn to the narrow street and marble buildings surrounding us. The facades of the shops and restaurants are a soft white, the orb light glimmering off the walls, their shiny surfaces reflecting it in the night. I wish I could see this place in the day and admire the sun shimmering off the brilliant stone.

Baskets of flowers are perched under every window, adding a hint of color to the city. A large building stands on one side of the street with shimmering gates on the other. The building looks almost like the front of the school, with its marble columns and large bronze doors.

“It honestly reminds me of some of my favorite cities in Greece,” I murmur, barely noticing Titus and Kallen join our group.

“We made replicas of Ethereal in what is now Greece when we lived there amongst the humans,” my father explains, stepping closer.

Adrian squeezes my hand, giving me a soft smile I can’t help but return. Being with him here reminds me of our first official date in Santorini before any of this mess started, before I knew anything about mates or being a god. Now we’re here together, and looking into his crystal blue eyes reminds me that there’s going to be an after, a time where we’ll be able to be as carefree as we were there, as open and brazen as we were when I gave him his dessert surprise beneath the table.

My cheeks heat, and I turn to face the others, unsure of what might happen if I don’t break eye contact with him right now.

“What the hell are they doing here?” a deep masculine voice projects from behind us. I look over my shoulder at the hulking newcomer. He’s nearly as tall and muscular as Max, who steps towards him, blocking his way as the god goes to reach for Kallen.

“You don’t want to do that, Ajax,” Maximus grumbles, his muscles flexing as he crosses his arms over his chest. If he wasn’t facing off against another god right now, I would definitely allow myself to get distracted by just how menacing and strong my chiseled mate is, but his safety is still at the front of my mind.

“This is what we’re doing here,” my father says, striding towards the god. He stops beside Max just as a paper flutters in front of Ajax’s face.

“Get that out of my face,” Ajax grunts, swatting the paper away, but it only zips back in front of him. “You know I’m not talking to you. I’m talking about Romulus’ spawn behind you.”

“And that will all be explained with the paper right in front of your nose,” my father announces, giving him a smug grin. “I didn’t know that the god of strength can’t read. I’ll be sure to tell Orrin right away so he can bestow some of his knowledge upon you.”

Ajax purses his lips, his jaw ticking with annoyance, but a rumble from Maximus cuts off anything else the god of strength was about to say.

“A meeting?” Ajax sighs. “I don’t need a meeting to know they shouldn’t be there.”

“Well, then it seems you do,” my father says, pointing behind the towering god. “Off you go.”

Ajax looks like he’s about to argue, before he sweeps his gaze around at each of us, clearly realizing he’s severely outnumbered. “Fine.”

Ajax snatches the paper from the air and turns on his heel, marching up towards the large building at the top of the hill.