Page 84 of Tantalizing Kings

Grayson leads us down to the track where one of the workers goes over the rules. After, we’re told we get to pick whichever cart we want.

“This place seems pretty dead.” I point out as we look at the karts.

“That’s because I booked the whole place for the next hour.”

My eyes widen, lips parting in surprise. He can’t see my expression with the visor covering it, but my eyes tear up a little bit. He booked this whole place, to hang out with me. No one has ever done something like this for me. I know I’m not normally impressed by money, but this—this means something.

Shaking my head, I try not to think too much into it. We’re friends... with benefits. That’s it. Nothing more, I remind myself.

We pick out our karts and hop in. “Ready to eat my dust, Pretty Girl?” Grayson yells, shouting to be heard over the rumbling of the engines.

“No! Because you're going to eat mine, sucker!” I cackle as the light turns green. I shoot off with a jolt, my body filling with adrenaline.

Knowing I can’t look back to see where Grayson is, I keep going, focusing on the track. There’s a permanent grin plastered to my face as I go around the track for the first time. It’s a freeing feeling, just being out here, racing, the kart vibrating under me.

Grayson is still behind me; I can feel his presence and hear his kart close by. I’m waiting for him to pass me at any moment, but by the time we start the lap before the race ends, he still hasn’t passed me.

I see the finish line, my heart thumping wildly in my chest as giddy excitement fills me.I’m going to win!

But when I’m only a few feet away, fucking Grayson appears out of nowhere, whipping past me and over the line, winning the race.

I slam on my brakes as Grayson hops out of his kart, hooting. “Cheater!” I shout, storming over to him.

“I did not!” he gasps, putting his hand on his heart.

“You were behind me the whole time. Then poof! You kick my ass out of nowhere?”

“And a nice ass it is,” he purrs, stepping closer to me. He lifts his visor as I lift mine. “What’s wrong, Pretty Girl? Being a sore loser.”

“Again.” I narrow my eyes, the need to kick his cocky ass riding me hard.

“You’re on, sweet cheeks.” He chuckles, winking before heading back over to his kart. “Winner has to kiss the loser.”

“How is that a prize?”

“Because either way I get to kiss you.” He grins. “Sounds like the perfect win or lose to me.” He snaps his visor shut and moves his cart back over to the starting line.

My belly swoops as heat fills my core. I guess it could be worse.

We go again and again until our hour is up. We do a total of nine rounds. Grayson wins four but I win the last one, making this my fifth win.

“Beat that sucker!” I boast as I get out of my kart and do a happy dance. “I win, you lose. Loserrrrr.”

“Yeah, yeah.” He chuckles. “I lost. Guess I gotta pay up.” He pulls off his helmet and shakes out his shaggy dark hair. It’s damp with sweat and makes him look so damn sexy.

My pulse starts to race for a whole new reason as he walks over to me. He drops his helmet to the ground and reaches for mine. Pulling it off, he tosses it beside his and sidles up close so that we are hardly an inch apart.

“Yeah,” I breathe out. “Pay up.”

“With pleasure,” his voice is husky, melting my core as he cradles the back of my head. He doesn’t kiss me immediately, taking his time to just look into my eyes as his thumb brushes back and forth against the base of my skull. My arms break out in goosebumps as I suppress a shiver.

He leans forward and I suck in a breath, the anticipation killing me. “Anytime I get to touch you, be near you, Pretty Girl... it’s always a win for me. When it comes to you, I can never lose.” My eyes flutter close as my heart pounds. He brushes his lips against my jaw and up to my lips.

I whimper the instant his lips press against mine because while a second ago it was sweet and sensual, now it’s slow and intense. I part my lips for him, letting his tongue invade my mouth to tangle with mine. His fingers tighten in my hair, changing the type of hold on me. I whimper, loving the bite of pain as he devours my mouth.

My whole body is on fire, my core aching to be filled. Grayson kisses like his sole purpose is to make you feel alive. And fuck, do I ever.

When he breaks the kiss, I chase him for more. We’re both panting, and I’m a little dazed, drunk off his kisses. “This weekend, Pretty Girl, I plan to take my time with you. I want to taste every inch of your body, to lick and suck that creamy skin. By the time I’m done with you, your body is going to be marked by me,ownedby me.”