I sway a little and resist the urge to beg him to do that now.
I’m done for. I’m screwed. Because as much as I told myself that I wasn’t going to let my past feelings for these guys get in the way, I’ve fallen for Grayson Taylor and Declan Harris.
And I’m on my way there with Collin because after our night together, spending hours getting to know each other, that crush I once had as a young girl has sparked to life tenfold. Like I said, I’m fucked.
Jury is still out on Preston. He’s hurting, a broken boy. I can’t fix him, not if he doesn’t let me in. But do I even want to? As much as it hurts me knowing what he must be going through, you can’t help someone who doesn’t want it.
And why should I put so much time and effort into someone I can’t have?
Maybe Preston is always meant to be that dark craving that you know you should never have, but can’t help but want.
Chapter 23
Ihate the rain. Itruins everything. I planned on taking Sadie out to the street fair, but it’s been canceled because of the weather.
Texting her to cancel hurts to do because I’ve been looking forward to this time with her. She hung out with Collin at his house. He has the advantage of knowing her practically her whole life, due to the fact that their moms are best friends. Then Grayson took her to the track yesterday and did not waste the opportunity to rub it in our faces.
Preston acted like he didn’t care, but I could see how pissed off he was getting.
I want that, I want that time with Sadie to see her laugh and smile. She might be at the Host Club every lunch, but I’m always with a client, so I never get the chance to have some time to just sit and talk to her.
I’m sitting on the windowsill of my dorm room window, just watching the rain pound against the pavement. The gray storm clouds mock the feelings inside me. Maybe this idea of being with Sadie after this is all done with is stupid. She didn’t even text me back.
A knock at my door has me glancing in the direction of the sound, brows furrowing.I’m not expecting anyone.
“Hello? Declan?” a sweet voice that I love listening to sounds from behind the door.
I jump up and rush over to the door, excitement filling me as I pull it open. “Hey there, handsome,” she greets, stepping into my room, not even waiting to be invited in. “I know the rain makes it hard to do anything around here. I was looking forward to hanging out with you, and I wasn’t going to let a little rain stop us. So, I thought we could just have a night in, hang out, eat junk, watch movies?”
I stand there, blinking at this beautiful girl. She looks at me with hopeful eyes, waiting for me to answer. “Y-yeah. That sounds like fun.”
“Good.” She gives me a smile that makes my heart fucking soar. She’s perfect.