“Lies. He pushed Emma! Called her a bitch after we told him I didn’t want to talk to him.” I spin around to face the man, and my eyes widen for a whole new reason. It’shim, the mystery man from the first day of school. The same one who stopped Raymond from following me.
“They called my dick a shrimp,” he growls. Mia breaks first, snorting out a laugh, and then it’s like a domino effect. Next, it’s Alice, then Emma, then me before we’re all belly laughing.
“Fuck you all!” he roars.
“That’s enough out of you,” the man booms. “Dean’s office. Now! We do not allow violence in this school. And didn’t your father ever teach you that you should never lay your hands on a woman?”
Raymond opens his mouth to argue. “Now.” The word comes out as a dangerous sound, a warning. And I find his dominating presence sexy.
Nope, Sadie, this man is a teacher. We are not going there.
Raymond shoots me a glare. “Don’t fucking look at her,” the man growls. “Move!”
We all stand there and watch the two of them leave.
“Two things: Raymond is a fucking tool, and I’m so fucking glad you dumped his ass,” Alice starts.
“What’s the second thing?” Mia asks.
“That man, that tall, dark, and handsome man is sooooo damn fine. I’ve never fucked a teacher, but I’m always down to try something new, at least once.”
“Come on, you horn ball. You are not sleeping with the teacher.” Emma laughs.
Two more things: One, Alice is right, that mystery man is gorgeous. Two, why does her wanting to sleep with him bug me so much?
I don’t even know this man’s name, yet I feel like I know him a lot better than I think. Who is this man?
Chapter 7
The girls leave fortheir first class of the day. I know I should go to mine so I’m late, but I really need a moment to myself.
On my way, I slip into the nearest bathroom and go to the sink to splash some cold water on my face.
I can’t believe that just happened. I’ve never had a violent bone in my body, but when it comes to my family, I won’t sit back and do nothing. And those girls are like my sisters.