Just the things Raymond was saying about me and how he talked to Emma made my anger rise, but the moment he stepped toward her like that, I saw red.
That fool was my boyfriend, I wasted years of my life with him. Any sadness over losing anything good we might have had is all gone. I hate him. He’s a creep, an asshole, and I will never again cry over someone so pathetic.
Looking at my phone, I curse when I see the time, and rush out of the bathroom. Thankfully, the lecture hall where my Ancient Greek Mythology and Religion class is being held is just a few doors down.
Quickly, I find an empty seat and get a notebook and pencil out, ready to start. Only when I look up at the front of the room, I don’t see the professor.
Everyone in the class talks amongst themselves, and I choose to mess around on my phone to kill some time.
“Hello, everyone,” the voice I’ve just recently become acquainted with greets, and my head snaps up. My eyes widen at the sight of my mystery man.Is he the professor of this class?There’s no way. He looks way too young. I thought Professor Price was a sixty-year-old man. “I’m sorry for being late.” He walks to the front of the room and turns to the class. “Had something to take care of at the Dean’s office.” As soon as he says that, his eyes find me.
I shift in my seat at his intense stare before he looks around the room. “I am Collin Jones. I am Professor Price’s teaching assistant. Unfortunately, he is unable to be here today due to a family emergency. But don’t worry, it’s the first day, nothing too interesting will be happening.” He chuckles. “In this course, you will be studying a selection of important Greek mythological stories and figures that are represented in Greek literature and art. We’ll begin with selections from the earliest existing Greek literature—Homer, Hesiod, and the Homeric Hymns before moving on to reading selections of Greek drama...”
He continues to talk, but I zone out. It’s like I’m hypnotized. I watch the way his lips move, his Adam’s apple bobbing when he swallows, the way he talks with his hands, moving them around to emphasize the passion of his words. Speaking of hands, he has nice ones. Big, veiny, look like they would be able to wrap around my throat nicely...
“Miss Evans?” And just like that, I’m snapped out of my little fantasy.
“Ah, yes?” I ask, a deep blush taking over my cheeks because I have no idea what is going on right now.
“Am I that boring?” Collin asks, raising a brow with a playful smirk.
“No!” I say quickly. A few students around me chuckle, and I slide down in my chair, wishing he would go away and stop putting the attention on me.
“I’d hope not. That would be a shame.” He licks his lips, his eyes glancing up and down my body. Is he checking me out? “This is a wonderful class. Try to pay attention when Professor Price comes back.”
I nod and he goes back to talking. Mortified, I make sure to pay attention so I’m not caught off guard again.
For the rest of the class, I find Collin’s eyes drifting toward me, and every time my heart beats a little faster.
This is so wrong. I cannothave a crush on a TA. But ugh, it’s so hard not to. He is so pretty to look at.
As soon as the class is over, I’m up out of my seat and bee-lining it out of the room, not daring to look his way. Only when I’m halfway down the hall do I allow myself to breathe.
Guess mystery man is no longer a mystery.Collin Jones. I wonder if he’s related to Preston Jones.
The next two classes go by a lot smoother, and by the time it’s lunch, I’m starving so I head right to the café and grab something.
“Hey,” I huff as I plop down in a chair at the table my friends are sitting at.
“How was your morning since that sexy teacher pulled you off of Raymond?” Emma asks, wiggling her eyebrows.
“He is so hot!” Alice sighs dreamily.
“His name is Collin Jones,” I inform them, taking a bite of my sandwich.
They all turn and gawk at me. “And how do you know this?!” Alice demands.
I swallow the bite and take a drink of my water before answering. “Because he’s the TA in my Ancient Greek Mythology and Religion class,” I answer, stuffing the last bit of my sandwich in my mouth.
“No fucking way. Lucky bitch,” Alice grumbles.
“Oh, yeah. Totally.” I roll my eyes. “Anyways, I gotta go. Host Club duties.”
“Right. The sexy men who are going to ravish you.” Mia flutters her eyelashes, making me snort a laugh.
“More like rearrange her insides,” Alice teases. “I heard they are all packing a good eight inches. Better get yourself a bigger dildo and train that tight pussy to take something bigger than—” She wiggles her pinky in the air.
A throat clears from behind me, and I freeze as Emma’s eyes go wide before trying to hold back a laugh. “Ah, Sadie.”