Page 143 of Tantalizing Kings

“It’s all of yours.” I shoot accusatory daggers at my three best friends. “If you didn’t convince me to make that deal with them, I’d be less fucked in the head right now.”

“Oh, babe. No, you wouldn’t be.” Alice gives me a pitying look, and I want to slap her. “You're always going to be fucked in the head. But it’s okay, we love you anyway.”

“I hate you,” I mutter.I really don’t, though.

“I love you too.” She blows me a kiss, and I crack a smile.

“She is kind of right.” Emma points out. “If you didn’t go through with the deal, you would still have underlying feelings for them like you’ve had for years. Also, you probably would have ended up with some really sweet guy who treated you like a princess.”

“Okay, so how is that a bad thing?” I raise a brow in question.

“Because he wouldn’t know where your clit was, let alone be able to last long enough to get you off.” She grins.

“Oh, fuck off,” I snort, grabbing the pillow next to me and chucking it at her.

She laughs, dodging it. “You know I’m right! Those boys rocked your motherfucking world! And I’m peanut butter and jelly about it. Don’t get me wrong, Brent is amazing in bed, I am always satisfied, but fuck, he does not have a pierced dick. And there is not a dominant bone in his body.” She sighs loudly.

“You don’t think he would call you his dirty little whore and make you crawl to him?” Alice asks, her face morphing into a grin. God, I can’t believe I told them everything. And I mean everything. We really don’t keep secrets.

At least for the most part. There are some things I’m still not ready to tell them.

“Fuck no.” Emma laughs. “He got one degrading word out and then sobbed like a baby while asking me for forgiveness.”

“I say you stop avoiding them. Preston is a dick, but he doesn’t speak for the others. If Declan and Grayson want to keep messing around, I say go for it. I mean, it’s going to hurt anyway, why not get endless amounts of orgasms out of it first?” Alice shrugs, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth.

“Oh my god, is everything about sex with you?” Mia growls. She means it in a playful way, but I see the hurt on Alice’s face.

“I don’t know what to do!” I whine, flinging myself backward onto my bed.

“Sadie, love!” my mom calls out.

She’s been trying to get me to go over there more, but I don’t want to risk putting myself in a vulnerable situation with Grayson while around them. I’m still not sold on fucking him again. Also, I’m not very happy with myself for being turned on when he called me hislittle sister.

God, I’m so fucked in the head. My therapist would fire me as a client if she knew the shit that was in my head.

“Hey, Mom. What’s up?” I join her in the kitchen, stopping when I see boxes on the kitchen counter. “What’s this?” I ask, pointing at them.

“They’re for you.” Mom smiles. “A man stopped me on the way in and gave them to me.”

“That’s not creepy at all,” Alice mutters from behind me. “What if they have like, body parts or something?”

“Alice,” I groan, and my mother chuckles.

“They don’t have body parts,” Mom chastises teasingly. “I recognized the man as Mark’s carrier man.”

“You rich people. You pay people to hand deliver shit. Why not send it in the mail or use UPS like normal people?” I roll my eyes.

“I’m going see if I left anything behind and do a bit of cleaning, let me know what you got later.” Mom kisses the side of my head in passing. “Bye, girls.”

“Bye, Erin!” they all call back.

“Okay, open them!” Emma encourages excitedly. “Wait! You have to open this first.” She grabs me the letter with a red wax seal. I take it from her and peel the seal back, opening the letter.

Dear Miss Evans,

The Kingston Academy Host Club would like to formally invite you to our annual charity fundraiser on the evening of October 15th.

This is a formal event. Masks are required. You will find everything you need in the gifts presented to you.