I’m trying to be mad at him, but he’s making it really hard. The sexual tension has me on edge and the same with my pussy.
Things between Declan and me have been going good. Anytime we don’t have a class at the same time, we hang out. Mostly it’s just talking while sitting around the campus, enjoying the beauty of the fall colors on the trees. I feel at ease with him. He’s easy to talk to, makes me smile, and allows me to just forget about the world for a little bit.
I’ve found myself going to the chapel every day now after school. I go right from my last class, grab something to eat on my way out, and spend hours there. I’ll do my schoolwork or just sit there in silence.
And every day, Preston has shown up. Sometimes it’s only for an hour, others he’s there the whole time with me.
We don’t speak. Weneverspeak. Collin has been lurking in the shadows. Everywhere I turn at school, I’m finding him there; talking on the phone, talking to a teacher, or with his back turned to me. He never makes eye contact, but he’s always... just there.
I feel his eyes watching me the whole time during class. He’s becoming a distraction, and I’m going to need to have a talk with him because I’m not going to let his issues affect my grades.
It’s not his fault I like him, that I’m drawn to him. That he's just so damn attractive that I can’t help myself.
Sure, he’s a little crazy, but he’s crazy about me and that's not something I’m used to. It may be fucked up, but the longer he looks, the more my belly heats and my heart flutters.
The bell chimes, and I’m up out of my seat, heading toward the exit as everyone starts to pack up their things.
I need air, I need to get away from his powerful presence.
I’m halfway down the hall, heading toward the exit, when I feel him behind me. A second later, I’m being grabbed by the arm and pulled into a room.
“What the hell!” I shout, but his hand comes up and covers my mouth.
“Shhh. Lollipop. We don’t want anyone to hear us, now do we?”
It’s pitch dark in here, wherever he is. “What are you doing?”
“I need to feel you,” he murmurs low. I stumble back as he steps forward, pushing me against the wall. “I’ve been going out of my damn mind only being able to look but not touch. I’ve been trying to be on my best behavior, to not overwhelm you and scare you away. But I’m only human.” I shiver as he cups my face, brushing his thumb against my cheek. “I need you, Lollipop. I’ve been going fucking mad without you.”
My heart thunders in my chest as I feel his breath against my lips. “Collin.” I try to say it as a warning, but it comes out like a plea. He groans, his arm coming around my waist. He presses me to his body, and I suck in a breath at the feeling of his hard cock against my lower belly.
“Fuck, baby girl, my name on your lips sounds so fucking good. I wanna hear you scream it while I’m buried deep inside you.” His voice is husky, thick with need. I’m so turned on right now, I’m not thinking straight because I want that. I want to feel him inside me. Fuck.What has gotten into me?“Let’s get one thing straight, Lollipop. You’re mine. My girl, my fucking world. I’ve been a good boy while you fulfill your arrangement with the guys. Even though it fucking kills me knowing they get to feel you wrapped around them, to have your sweet release on their tongues, to see you shatter for them. I want that. I need that, Sadie. I’ll keep being good, I’ll let you do your thing, but fuck Sadie. I need you.”
I can hear the sheer desperation for me in his voice, and it makes me fucking putty at his feet. I don’t get time to think as I feel his lips crash against mine.
I let out a shocked gasp that turns into a moan as he slides his tongue in and over mine. My eyes fall shut as I get lost in the kiss. Grabbing fistfuls of his shirt, I hold myself to him as his greedy lips devour mine.
He growls, grabbing handfuls of my ass and squeezing. I whimper as he starts to grind his cock against me, my pussy aching with the need for him to fill me.
Collin’s kisses are all consuming; tongues clash, teeth knock together. It’s messy and dirty and so fucking hot.
“Fucking hell, Sadie,” he groans, breaking the kiss with heavy pants. I’m a dripping, needy mess. I can’t think straight, the only thing on my mind is the need for him. So, I do something stupid, something I never thought I’d do. But hey, that seems to be my new thing now.
“Fuck me,” I beg him.
“Don’t tease me, Sadie,” he growls in a low warning tone. “Because if I get my hands on you, how I really fucking want to, I will not, can not, hold back. You have an out, Sadie. Find the door handle and leave.”
But of course I don’t, instead I say again, this time in a lusty way. “Fuck me, Daddy.”
The light flicks on, the chain to the light swinging, and I jump back in surprise as the low, dim light casts over Collin’s face. My heart races at the sight of him. He’s feral right now, pure hunger in his eyes.
We stand there, both breathing heavily. And it’s like something snaps inside him, and the man I’ve seen up to this point has nothing on this one. He shows me crazy in a whole new way.
Collin grabs me, spinning me around and shoves me up against the wall. “My naughty girl,” he rumbles into my ear, his hot breath making me whimper as he grinds his erection against my ass while sliding his hands up my thighs. “Taunting Daddy. Bad girls need to be punished, Lollipop.”
Holy fucking shit. What did I get myself into? Whatever it is, I want to find out, really fucking bad.
Collin shoves my skirt up roughly with his hand and grabs each of my arms, placing them above my head. “Be a good fucking girl and do as I tell you. Keep your hands over your head, body against the wall. The only thing that’s going to be holding you up is me as I fuck you into this wall.”