“I found out, last night at the supper with my mom and her boyfriend, that his son is Grayson.”
All three of their eyes go wide, lips parting as they gape at me in shock.
“No.” Emma starts.
“Fucking.” Alice continues.
“Way.” Mia finishes.
“How the hell did we not find out that Mark was Mark Taylor!” Emma shouts. “Oh my god, you fucked your step-brother!”
“Emma!” I hiss, looking around in panic.
“Okay, not going to lie, that's kind of hot.” Alice giggles.
“Why is that stopping you?” Mia asks. “You're both adults. It’s not like you grew up together, and it’s just a little bit of fun. Plus, he’s going to move out soon and marry some woman.”
“Thanks for the reminder, M,” I deadpan, like that doesn’t add a stink to my crush. “Doesn’t matter. Because he knew this whole time my mom was his dad’s girlfriend. He knew and never told me. He fucked me, knowing what we would become to each other.”
“What the fuck?” Emma sounds angry now. “What a fucking dick.”
“Did he tell you why?” Alice asks.
I nod. “He said he wanted me for so long, so badly that he didn’t want anything getting in his way of having me.”
“Oh.” Emma’s eyes widen. “Well, that’s kind of... sweet?”
“What!” I gasp. “No!”
“For the assholes in our world, it is. Grayson is known to be a player; he never has feelings for anyone he's with. For him to admit that to you, that’s big on his end.”
“But he lied! He’s going to be my step-brother.”
“So?” Emma snorts. “Mia is engaged to be with a man. She’s gay. Alice hates the man she’s supposed to be with. Preston is set to be with the biggest witch to ever walk the face of the planet, and Grayson’s soon to be wife doesn’t even live on the same side of the world as he does. We all live fucked up lives in one way or another. We’re used to it. You're lucky you don’t have to go through any of this, but you gotta remember the people who you grew up with, who you go to school with. This is a part of our lives. It’s not out of the norm for us.”
Fuck. She has a point.At least, I think she does.
“It’s all so complicated,” I whine, putting my head down again.
“Just make him work for your forgiveness and when he earns it, ride him like a pony off into the sunset,” Emma teases. “I’ve seen the way that man looks at you. I’m not surprised by his confession. I told you, all these boys want you. Declan is already madly in love with you.”
“He is not,” I scoff.
“Oh, he is,” Mia says, but looks away quickly without saying another word. She knows something.
“You and they went into this knowing you can’t be anything more. And feelings suck, it’s going to make things hurt more when you have to end things. But do you want to live your life with what ifs? Why do you think a lot of us fuck around before we’re tied down. Hell, a lot of us do so even after? Life is too short to live with regrets. It’s the biggest reason you went to the Host Club, to help you explore your wants and needs, isn’t it?” I nod. “Well, I say have your fun, sow your wild oats and know when you look back on your life, you did the best you could to have the things you wanted. Something is better than nothing.”
I see her point, I do. But another thing she's right about is... I’m not from their world. I didn’t grow up with the expectation not to have love or be loved, to know that I’m going to be with someone I may never like. It’s not as easy for me as she’s saying.
Another part of me does agree. Life is short. Take what I can get. Live with as little regrets as possible.
But is it going to be worth it in the end if my heart is shattered? I’ll have Collin, but will he be enough when parts of my heart lie with others? How would that be fair to him?
With each passing day, my life gets more and more complicated. Fucking hell.
THE REST OF THE WEEKgoes by slowly. Nothing exciting happens. Thankfully, I had no run-ins with Raymond or Tina.
Grayson has gone back to his flirty self, as if nothing happened. As if we didn’t just find out we're going to be family. It’s like he doesn’t care—like it's not a big deal to him.