Page 144 of Tantalizing Kings

Your attendance is highly requested.

–Collin Jones

PS: If I could have asked you myself, I would have. Also, these assholes insisted on contributing to your attire for the evening. The shoes are from me, so if you hate everything else, blame them.

A smile spreads across my lips as a small giggle slips free. “Sooo, who’s this all from?!” Emma asks.

“The guys, isn’t it?” Mia asks.

“It is. I was invited to a Host Club charity fundraiser.” I put the invite down and pick up the biggest box.

“I’m going too,” Mia says, giving me a guilty look. “I’m sorry. I have to.”

And then it clicks. “It’s okay, Mia. I know you have to save face with events like this. I’m not mad.”

“But you like him,” Mia pouts. “I feel bad.”

“Don’t. I can’t have him anyway.” I shrug.

“You could,” she tells me. “If you really wanted him. I wouldn’t stand in your way.”

We look at each other for a moment, and I can see the truth in her eyes. She would let me be with Declan if we wanted to be together. I love her for that, but Declan hasn’t mentioned wanting to be anything other than friends, so I push that to the side.

“Thank you.” I give her a small smile before turning my attention back to the box. Biting my lip, I open it, sifting through the tissue paper, and gasp. “Holy crap,” I murmur as I pull a stunning red gown out and hold it up in front of me.

“Girl, that is gorgeous!” Emma gasps. “Who’s it from?”

“I’m not sure,” I whisper, looking down to see there’s a note. I hand the dress to Emma, letting her get a better look and pick up the paper.

You look breathtaking in red, Sweetheart. Wear this for me and save me a dance with the most enchanting woman at the ball.


“Ohhhh,” Mia teases. “I think my man likes you.”

“Stop.” I laugh. “That’s so messed up.”

“Ah, so are our lives.” She shrugs.

Declan is so sweet, and god, this dress is fucking beautiful. I want to say it’s too much, but I feel like it would fall on deaf ears.

“Okay, open this next!” Alice shoves a smaller box at me, making me grunt as it hits my stomach.

“God, woman.” I laugh, shaking my head and opening it. “Wow!” I pull out a pair of red stiletto heels. They’re shiny and pretty, and I might break my ankle in these. “Prada!” I screech. “Who is crazy enough to buy me Prada?!” I grab the note out of the box.

Come home with me tonight. I want you in my bed with only these on. You can show them off proudly, sitting atop my shoulders as I make you cream on my cock.


PS: I can’t wait to lick you like a Lollipop, Lollipop. Been craving that sweet center of yours. ;)

“Damn!” Alice fans herself. “Sexy teacher is a dirty boy.”

“Fuck off,” I groan, even though she’s right. And that note, not a good time to be turned on right now.

“Alright, these next.” Mia hands me the smallest box.

I place the very expensive shoes back in the box and take it from her. My eyes widen as I suck in a breath. “Holy crap, that’s stunning,” Emma murmurs.