She swallowed and got out of bed to kneel before him, naked as well, with her head bowed.
“Now I understand why you have all those rules. I deserve to be punished, my lord. But I beg you – don’t send me away. Spank me, whip me with your belt. I’ll even kneel at your feet in the palace so you can spank me again in front of the entire council, since I put all their lives at risk. And I swear that in the future I’ll show my love by giving you my obedience before all else.”
She got up and bent over the side of the bed, head pillowed on her arms, ass uplifted.
Haldor sighed heavily. “Get up, Selena. That’s not going to do any good. I’ve made up my mind.”
She didn’t move. “I need to prove to you that I’m ready to yield to your mastery. Willingly. But I’m not doing this just for you, or for our relationship. I’m doing it for myself. It’s only fair. Even if you can’t forgive me and you still want to send me away afterward, I deserve to be punished…so I can begin to forgive myself.”
Haldor’s voice was flat. “A whipping with my belt isn’t like the other spankings you’ve gotten. And once I begin, I’ll continue untilIdecide you’ve had enough. Do you still want me to punish you?”
She took a deep breath. “Yes, my lord.”
“Very well. Keep your arms folded under your head. If you move, I’ll tie you down – and then go on.”
Fear coursed through her. She’d been spanked by him many times, but never with his belt. She heard him cross the room, watched him walk back slowly, clasping the buckle in his hand and wrapping the leather around his palm a few turns. He raised his arm, and she closed her eyes, her whole body tense.
Swish. Crack.
The two sounds came so close together she scarcely had time to register either one before the blast of pain hit. Selena gasped and rose up on her toes. It took every bit of willpower she had to return to her position.
He brought the belt down a second time. She bit back a scream. Fire lashed her tender backside. She fisted the bedclothes in her hands and forced herself to breathe. He struck her again, laying this one on a fresh spot. She bit her lip, trying not to howl.
He continued, never speaking, swinging the belt over and over until every inch of her backside was aflame. Selena lost all semblance of control. She let the tears flow, sobbing uncontrollably. But she never moved.
Finally, Haldor tossed the belt across the room. He sank down on the side of the bed and gathered her into his arms. “Sssh. It’s over now. I never want to do that again. I hate bringing you pain. But I hate even more the thought of losing you forever. When I was out in the storm, I prayed to the gods that I would find you before it was too late. If I send you home, at least I’ll know you’ll be alive and safe.”
She curled up against him as the tears gradually subsided. “Safe, yes. But alive? No. I never felt as alive on Earth as I do here. You’ve awakened feelings in me I never knew existed. Breathless passion. But laughter as well. Joy. Contentment. You’ve awakened my soul to love. If you send me away now, there will be other feelings, ones I don’t think I could bear. Loneliness. Pain. Grief.”
She reached up, turned his face to hers, and looked into his eyes. “Wherever you are is home to me now. Please, I beg you. Forgive me. Spank me every day if you must, but don’t send me away.”
He groaned and tightened his arms around her. “Spank you every day? I swear I will! I’m still so angry with you. You frightened me to death! When I saw you lying there in the snow, cold and still…it tore my heart out. I thought I’d gotten to you too late.”
“I’m so sorry. Sorry I caused you such pain. I promise I’ll never disobey you again.”
He gave her a wry grin. “Don’t add lying to your other offenses. Of course, you’ll disobey me again. Maybe not in something as big next time. But I don’t expect perfection from you. Besides…” He slid one hand down to cup her burning bottom. “If you’re always good, I’ll have no reason to bring that rosy blush I love to these sweet cheeks.”
He stroked her gently, sent a wave of heat flowing from her aching bottom to her core. Tentatively, she wiggled on his lap and felt an answering stirring from his naked cock.
Coming so close to losing him made her bold. “I have one more request, my lord. Will you take me, make me yours in that one last way? Will you…” She stopped, suddenly too embarrassed to go on.
Haldor lifted her chin, made her meet his eyes. “What are you asking of me, my love?”
“Will you take methere, in my bottom?”
“You want me to fuck you in the ass.”
Hearing her shameful desire put in such coarse terms was almost enough to make her withdraw the request. But a shocking thrill rocked her body. She’d fantasized about it when he teased and tantalized her there. It was time to show Haldor she was ready to accept his mastery completely.
“Yes, my lord. I want you to take my ass. Make me yours in every way.”
His cock stiffened beneath her.
“Get up on the bed. On your hands and knees. Spread your legs wide for me.”
Shivering with a mixture of dread and desire, she slid off his lap. Her bottom sore and burning, and a different kind of ache deep inside her. A fire only he could quench.
She got on all fours and spread her knees apart then jerked when his tongue traced a path along the tracks his belt had laid down. When his hand roamed between her thighs and found her already wet with desire, he made a rough sound and rammed two fingers deep inside her pussy.