She moaned and ground her hips back against his hand. He licked his way down the crack between her bottom cheeks. Probed her tight rear entrance. His fingers moved insistently, stroked the spot on the inner walls of her pussy that sent thrilling waves pouring though her.
He pulled his fingers out. She let out a whimper of need. It turned into a gasp when those fingers replaced his tongue. Teasing. Tantalizing. Spreading the slick juices from her pussy to her tight rear entrance.
He probed her bottom hole until she found herself rocking back against him, taking his fingers in. With his other hand, he captured her clit between two fingers, stroked it until it swelled and throbbed.
He pulled back, and the heat of his cock replaced his fingers at the entrance to her rear passage. She tensed, suddenly afraid. He moved his hand from her clit to her pussy. Slipped a finger deep inside, turning her fear into frantic need. She rocked back then squealed as his cock pressed into her.
Selena shook her head frantically. “I can’t! It’s too big!”
“Open yourself to me. Let me in.” His hand moved back and forth. Massaged her clit then dipped into her pussy. “Relax, my love. Trust your body. Let yourself feel the pleasure. Push back against me.”
Lost in the hypnotic sound of his voice along with the wild thrill, Selena shoved her hips back. The head of his cock slipped in.
She bit off a sharp cry. He pushed in then stopped, letting her body accept him. All the while his hand between her legs built her hunger, stoked the fire raging inside her.
She shuddered, and he slid deeper. So hot. Filling her yet making her crave more. “Yesss,” she hissed.
He grabbed her hips with both hands and thrust in, as if he’d been waiting for that signal. His fingers dug into her punished bottom, but the sting only fed the flames of her desire. She ground her burning ass against him as he fucked her, working in deeper with every stroke.
Savage need raged through her, driven higher by his hoarse cries. When his hot seed spurted into her, she exploded. The orgasm tore through her whole body. Shocked her to the core.
He’d always seen to it that she was satisfied before allowing himself to let go. She’d never known giving herself completely to her lover could trigger her own release. Leave her completely satisfied.
She collapsed onto the bed with his cock still inside her. His heart thudded against her back, and he rolled over onto his side, taking her with him. Holding her close even as their bodies came apart.
“You’re my woman now, in every way.” His words were barely a breath in her ear. “You belong to me – and I to you. Forever.”
Chapter Ten
“When can I open my eyes?”
“Just a little longer.”
Shivering, Selena made her way hesitantly through the ankle-deep snow that had fallen during the night. Haldor had both her hands in his as he led her down the path.
“Remember – if you open your eyes before I say you can, you’ll get a spanking.” Teasing this time, his voice warm.
“Oooh! What kind of spanking? Will it be another one of those I have to beg you for?”
“Those are for the times you’ve been especially good. Peeking now would be naughty.”
“I won’t peek,” she assured him. “I’ve never celebrated Valentine’s Day before. I don’t even care what the surprise is. I love it already, just because you’ve gone to all this effort to do something special.”
“You can thank Ingrid for that. She told me all about the holiday. An entire day dedicated to showing love to those who mean the most to us. She’s been nagging Kylar about it ever since she heard about the custom from one of the first Earthers who came here through the portal a few years ago. She wants him to adopt it as one of our traditions here on Gadolinium. He wasn’t interested before, but now that he’s mated to Talia, I think he may change his mind. Careful here.”
He stopped, and she heard the scrape. A door against a stone floor?
She took another step and felt the hard, smooth surface underfoot. Warmth flooded through her. The scent of wood smoke filled the air, and she could hear the unmistakable crackle of fire in a hearth. They’d taken the wagon a long way into the woods before he’d made her close her eyes for the last part of the journey. Had he brought her to a country inn? There were no other voices. No sounds at all. She had the sense they were completely alone.
He led her a few more steps then stopped.
“You can open your eyes now.”
She knew him so well by now that she detected a note of something different in his voice. Nervousness? Uncertainty? It was so unusual, she was almost afraid to open her eyes. Whatever he had in store was obviously very important to him. She reminded herself to act thrilled, even if he’d brought her to see a new cooking pot he’d had a craftsman make for her.
Slowly, she opened her eyes.
A large empty room, shrouded in darkness. Obviously, still under construction. Light from the fire in the massive hearth at one end of the room barely reached the farthest corners. She turned in a circle, taking it all in. Stone walls, wooden rafters overhead. Large window openings covered with rough boards. The floor beneath laid with smooth blocks of stone.