Page 7 of The Truths We Seek

Meyer looks at me and I see the hurricane of emotions I feel reflected back at me. “Do it, but bring him back alive. He doesn’t get a quick death. I’m going to call Mom, get her to go to Tommy, I’ll stay with Hunter. Keep me updated.”

I nod and take off without another word. It doesn’t take me long to run to the stash house, just two blocks from here. I rip off the suit, slide into jeans and a t-shirt, grab my jacket, the keys to the truck I keep here, and check my phone again.

I’m coming, baby girl.

They’re still on the move, heading down the 101. I calculate how long it’s going to take me to reach them while grabbing two guns from the cabinet and a hunting knife, just in case. Trent might like to know just how skilled I am with a blade, and I’d love nothing more than to show him how to use one properly.

A dark smile plays on my lips while Meyer’s request for him to be alive plays in my head.

He can be alive and maimed.

Without another thought, I head out to the truck, bring up the tracker, and start the engine. I’ll follow them until he stops, then I’ll take them. I won’t risk Quinn any more by running them off the road, but there isn’t a sliver of doubt in my mind.

I will find them.

I will bring her home.

And he will regret his miserable existence for the rest of what is left of his pathetic life.

* * *

Five hours.

That’s how long I’ve been following this asshole who took my girl. He had the hilarious audacity to take her into a fucking cop shop. I barked out a laugh when I saw it after I caught up to them.

Not once has he stopped and I refuse to run them off the road. The highway might not be crazy busy as we drive through the darkness, but I’m not willing to hurt Quinn. The night vision binoculars showed me her slumped form in the back of his car and she hasn’t moved the entire time I’ve been with them.

I refuse to think that she might be dead already. I’d know if she were dead. He wouldn’t still have her if she was dead. I might not know much, but I know that.

A motel light flashes in the distance, catching my eye. The sun will be rising soon, so I’m surprised when I see his car blinker turn on before he takes the exit. I stay back, my lights off like they have been for the last few hours, and follow slowly.

He pulls into the lot of the motel, so I continue on a little and pull up on the side of the road. I rush from the car to the parking lot, watching as he walks, so fucking sure of himself, to the small office.

Taking my chance, I creep across the parking lot to the car, trying the handle on the back door.

Of course it’s unlocked.

His cockiness will be his undoing, but it works in my favor. Without hesitating, I open the door and take in the sight of Quinn. Her chest rises and falls and it’s like I can breathe properly again. I grab Quinn once I realize she’s just out cold, her breath on my neck as I hold her giving me relief I didn’t know I needed, and rush back to the truck. Once I have her situated on the back seat, I snap a picture of her and send it to Meyer.


Got Quinn. Dealing with Trent now.


I want him alive.


I know.

I roll my eyes as I pocket the phone again and head back to the parking lot, just as Trent is leaving the office. Waiting in the shadows, a wide smile on my face, I take great delight as he opens the back door to his car and proceeds to lose his shit, punching through the window.

Waiting until he’s facing the other direction, I keep my breath steady, remaining patient as he throws his tantrum. The only thing putting a lock on me right now is the possibility of Quinn waking up alone. I don’t know what he gave her, or how much, but I know he gave her something for her to be out the way she is.

It doesn’t take long to creep up to where he is, and I take great pleasure in tackling him, wrapping my arm around his neck, and cutting off his oxygen. He fights back, but that was expected. He has no idea who he fucked with, and I’ve fought worse monsters than him.

“You thought you could take my girl and win?” I mutter as his movements slow. “Stupid, little wannabe. You thought you were a monster? You’re about to learn what it’s like to play with the real monsters.”