Page 8 of The Truths We Seek

His body goes limp and I hold another few seconds just to be sure, ignoring the blood running down my arms from where he scratched at me like a bitch. I check his pulse, just to be sure, then push him off me. Bending down, I lift him over my shoulder and walk him to the truck.

The tailgate drops and I bind his hands and feet, essentially hogtying him. No one said he needs to be comfortable when he wakes up.

Once he’s secured, I check his pockets, grab his phone and the door key, then head back to the office, finding a kid no older than seventeen behind the counter. He looks up at me, and fuck knows what I look like, but he about pisses his pants as his eyes go wide and the blood rushes from his face, leaving him looking at me like a pimply ghost.

“You got cameras here?” I ask.

He shakes his head so hard I have to stifle a laugh. Him trying to decapitate himself isn’t on the win list today.

“You wouldn’t be lying to me, would you?” I quirk a brow and he shakes his head harder. “You going to let me look for myself?”

“S… sure,” he stutters and I head behind the counter, check the space, then head into the back office. There’s nothing but a decaying sofa back here.


“Thanks, kid. Forget you saw me, yeah? And the guy who was in here before me? He didn’t check in, okay? Keep the cash he gave you for yourself.” I slide the key across the counter and he gulps as he swallows.

“Yeah, okay. I didn’t see anyone.”

I smile, but it doesn’t seem to make him feel any better. “Good. You don’t want me to have to come back here, right?” I glance at his name tag. “Right, Dylan?”

“No, sir.”

“Good, have a nice night.”

“Yes, sir.” he calls out as I push the door open and head back to my truck. I pull my phone from my pocket and dial Tonio. He answers after one ring. I give him the motel address and tell him to take care of the car then hang up without waiting for an answer.

I get back to the truck and check the bed, just in case. Dickhead is still passed out and nicely secure. Quinn is still passed out in the back, so I buckle her in, securing her as best as I can before climbing up front and starting the trip back.

I’m about three quarters of the way home when Tonio messages to let me know that he and Derek handled the car. They weren’t moving as slowly as I was following Trent, apparently, or as slow as I am now knowing Quinn is passed out in the back. I want to go faster, get her to Rob to check her over as soon as possible, and get to the hospital to check on Hunter. But one, I know Hunter would want me to make sure she’s safe first, and two, I’m not willing to jar her even a little because I have no idea what he gave her. All I have to go on are the three little puncture marks in her neck that I noticed as I buckled her in.

Three fucking doses of whatever he gave her.

I just hope it wasn’t too much, but she’s breathing, so I remain hopeful and keep my eyes on the road, aware that I’ve been up for over twenty-four hours. Isn’t the first time, probably won’t be the last, but I need to stay as focused as I can with the adrenaline slowly leaving me on top of no sleep.

“Rory?” Her voice is little more than a rasp, but I hear it and pull the car over onto the side of the road. I hop out faster than I should be able to move and have the back door open and her in my arms in a blink.

“I’ve got you, baby girl.” She starts to cry in my arms and I want to rip Trent’s throat out. Sobs wrack her body and I hold her tight until she calms.

“What happened?” she asks as her head rests on my chest. I pull back and look down at her, her eyes fluttering closed for a minute before she opens them and focuses on me again.

“Trent drugged you and took you. I got you, you’re going to be okay, but whatever he gave you is still in your system. Let’s get you up front and head home. You can sleep the rest of the drive back.”

She nods, but her head lolls a little, so I grab her by the waist, planting her in my lap before climbing from the truck with my arms tucked beneath her as she nestles against my chest again.

“Thank you for coming for me,” she murmurs as she starts to fall asleep again.

I kiss her forehead before opening the passenger door to the truck. I lift her in and secure her seatbelt again. “‘I’ll always come for you, Quinn. Never doubt that.”

“Who knew being kidnapped by you guys would be so good for me?” she jokes, groggily, and I laugh before closing her door.

By the time I’m in the truck and starting the engine, she’s asleep again, but at least she seems to be okay other than being drowsy. Before I get back on the road, I call Meyer.

“How is she?” he asks the second he answers.

“She just woke up. She was talking and seems coherent enough, but she’s asleep again now. We’re about an hour out. How is Hunter?”

“He’s out of surgery. They’re saying it’s still touch and go because he lost so much blood. That even if he wakes up, he might not be the same. He coded on the table twice, so it’s a waiting game.”