“Fallon, you okay?” I answer the call with a smile and the disdain on Jack’s face is clear. My family aren’t the only ones he’s got issues with, he’s not a fan of my “kooky” friends either.
“Bitch, that is not how you answer the phone. Is that asshat fiancé staring you down while you’re on the phone again? That shit is toxic.” I pinch the bridge of my nose, my frustration flaring at her words—the cavern between Jack and the people I love is great and I have no idea how to fix it, or if it’s even a possibility.
I really wish they could see the side of him that I get to see, the loving guy who wants to look after me, take me away for my birthday to make me smile. All they seem to see is a controlling, rich dickhead. I just don’t get it.
“I’m great, thanks, Fallon, wonderful of you to ask.”
“Oh, don’t even. You know I love you; he just rubs me wrong, there is something about him that screams bad juju. Anyway, I was calling because I heard that fine-ass brother of yours is heading back to town for your birthday. You want me to come with you to get him?”
“How did you… In fact, I don’t want to know the answer to that. Your obsession with Colt still gives me the heebie jeebies.”
“Girl, it isn’t an obsession, it is straight up lust. Have you seen that boy lately?”
“No, he hasn’t been around for nearly two years, remember?”
“You need to get over that fire. He left because it was what he needed to do. You’ll understand eventually. Same with your boy, Creek.” I roll my eyes and Jack signals to let me know he’s going to go. He looks angry, but I just blow him a kiss with a wave as he leaves. That’s a problem for future Remy.
“Is there a reason you called, other than to talk about dick bag one and two?”
“Nope, you know I’m firmly team Creek. The boy lost his mind when he found out you were getting engaged, and you didn’t even notice he was acting weird. Admittedly, you didn’t know what was going on, because Jack told him weeks before he even asked you, just to piss Creek off. Seeing you with Jack, when Creek is so obviously in love with you, knowing you’d likely say yes, which you did! I’m not all that surprised he left.”
“Don’t start, Fallon. Creek and I were never like that and you know it. You, me and him were The Three Musketeers. Creek didn’t even say goodbye, and you were as worried as I was.”
“No, I wasn’t. I knew he was going; you just couldn’t see past your worry and then anger. But if he’s coming back, maybe you two can finally work through all your issues and fall madly in love.”
“My life is not some sitcom, Fallon. I love Jack. Just because Creek is coming home, that doesn’t change anything. We’re friends, or at least, we were.”
“Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, girl. I’m telling you I’ll voodoo Jack’s ass if he doesn’t sort his shit out, clear the path for my boy, Creek.”
I roll my eyes at her. This is one thing we’ve never seen eye to eye on, especially because she knows I crushed on Creek for a while when we were teenagers, but it was just a stupid crush.
“We both know your voodoo is all in your head. Anyway, to answer your first question, no, I don’t need you to come with me, I can handle those two idiots. I’ve got to run, I’m due at the bar in thirty, Shelly called in sick again.”
“Okay, if you say so. My voodoo is as real as you and I. I’ll let you stay in denial about Creek for now, but one day, you’re going to see just how right I am.”
“Uh-huh, if you say so. I love you. Talk later.”
“Love you too, in-denial girl.”
* * *
The airport arrivals area is so freaking busy that for once I’m thankful for my height. I’m not exactly supermodel tall, but being five-foot seven means I don’t have to jump up and down to look for these two bozos. I wait what feels like forever, and the arrivals lounge empties, so I start to think that I’ve been punked and Colt gave me the wrong flight details. I check the time on my cell again and search back through my messages from Colt to find the flight details.
This is the flight number he gave me. What the actual fuck?
I turn to go and sit down and settle in for the long haul when voices shout from behind me.
“You leaving already, short stack?” I turn as I’m lifted off the floor and spun around. I can’t help the squeal that escapes my lips. “I missed you so much, little sister!”
“Put me down, you giant oaf, you’ll drop me!” I tell him. He puts me back down and I take a step back wondering who the fuck this is and where the hell is my brother. Behind him I spot Creek and my jaw hits the goddamn floor.
“What the fuck did you two do while you were traveling? Fall into a tattoo gun and mainline steroids?” The words fall out of my mouth, my filter’s never been great, but what the hell? The two men in front of me are not the ones who left. They both look like they’ve grown about six inches and packed on about two hundred pounds of muscle, which they decided to then cover in ink. “Who even are you?”
“Don’t do me like that, little bit. I’m hot!” Colt wags his eyebrows at me, making me realize his fucking eyebrow is pierced too, and I can’t help but laugh at his stupid ass. Apparently while he’s changed completely, he hasn’t really changed at all. He wraps me up in a hug and I groan, but despite my anger at him full on ditching me, I’m so happy he’s back. I’m just not going to let him know that, that would be too easy.
“Come on, Hulk. A girl needs to breathe.” I laugh and he releases me with a sheepish look before slinging his arm over my shoulder.