“Hey, Remy,” Creek says quietly when I push Colt’s arm off and come face-to-face with my former best friend. It takes every ounce of willpower I possess not to fucking drool over the man-god in front of me. Holy. Fucking. Hell. His long dark hair is up in a man-bun, his beard is long but hot as fuck, even though beards have never really done it for me, and every inch of beautifully muscled skin is covered in ink of some form.
Think about Jack, you love Jack. This guy is a huge dick bag. Remember he’s a dick bag.
“Creek. I see you decided to join my brother’s steroid and ink marathon. I guess that’s why it’s been radio silence, huh? Let’s go, I’ve got things to do.” He runs his hand down his face, and his eyes plead with me not to give him shit, but he was my best friend. He’s the guy who didn’t leave my side for two weeks when my mom died so I didn’t feel alone, and then he dropped me thirteen months ago like I was nothing but trash and I haven’t heard from him since. I shove my cell in my jacket and head toward the exit without looking back.
I hate being a bitch to them, but also, fuck them. I’m here, I didn’t have to be. They’re the ones that left. Ugh, I hate being so conflicted. These guys are my family, but also, like, who just ups and leaves without so much as a goddamn goodbye, and then ghosts you for just over a year? Yes, I’m sore about it, but then, neither of them have given me an explanation as to why they both left either. Colt at least reached out since Creek disappeared and let me know Creek was with him so I wasn’t just worrying he was dead somewhere, which I legit was for the first week he went MIA. Like I said, dick bag.
I climb in the front seat of my baby, an ‘87 Mustang that Bauer has been helping me modernize a little. He might be a pain in the ass and like eight years older than me, but the guy is a genius under the hood of a machine. Colt lets out a whistle when he sees her. “Damn, Bauer really has been helping you make this beauty shine. He always did love machines more than humans.”
“Will you guys get your asses in here already?” I sigh. I have a dance class this afternoon and if they don’t get a move on, I’m going to miss it. I take them both in, and eye up my back seat, trying not to laugh too much. Creek sighs as Colt laughs before folding himself in two and climbing into the car, his knees by his ears because there is no space for someone his size back there.
“If I’d known you two had, like, tripled in size, I’d have asked Bauer for his truck.”
“You and I both know our big brother would never let you drive his truck.” Colt rolls his eyes as he gets into the passenger side and slams the door shut.
“If you hurt Betty with your ridiculous meathead muscles, I’m going to break you,” I growl at him and pat the dashboard. Betty was my mom’s car, and I always loved it. Dad gave it to me when I got my license and she’s been a pet project of mine since then, well, with Bauer’s help.
“I’m not going to hurt the damn car, and the ladies love these meathead muscles.” He wags his eyebrows again and I can’t help but laugh at his ridiculousness. I spot Creek in the rearview mirror watching me but decide to not pay attention to it.
“I’m sure they do, buddy. Let’s get this show on the road. I need to drop you guys off and head out.”
“You’re not hanging out?” Creek asks quietly, and it’s almost like I can feel his relief. It stings, and I bite my lip.
“No,” I tell him sharply and put the car into gear, ending the conversation.
“Babe, are you about ready?” Jack shouts from downstairs as I finish setting my long hair into curls.
It’s my birthday tomorrow, but tonight is giving me so much freaking anxiety. Usually, tonight’s meal would be on my actual birthday, but Jack wanted to do something special tomorrow, although I’m not sure he ever actually sorted anything. Oh well I guess, it’s about par for course, but it’s fine. He’s busy. I get it. In the past, my birthday meal has always been something I really look forward to, and this year in particular is a celebration for me turning twenty-one, but really tonight is just going to be one big macho-bullshit-fest between my family and Jack. I just hope Maddie and Fallon help me keep the testosterone in check. I shudder even thinking about my engagement party, but let’s not go there.
“I’ll be down in a minute,” I shout back from his bathroom and straighten out the dress I’m wearing. Touching up my eyeliner, I give myself a once over before grabbing my shoes and heading down to where Jack’s impatiently waiting.
“You look hot, babe! You sure we have to go?” he says with a playful laugh, but the tension around his eyes confirms it’s not really a joke.
“Come on, it won’t be that bad, and we just won’t stay too late, okay?” I tell him, hoping to placate him while guilt eats at my stomach for dragging him with me when he obviously doesn’t want to go. I bite my lip and contemplate telling him he doesn’t have to come, but I just know that if I show up alone, I won’t hear the end of it.
He rolls his eyes at me, handing me my purse as I slip my heels on. “Let’s just get this done, shall we?”
I swallow the lump in my throat. If it wasn’t my birthday, we wouldn’t be doing this. I love Jack, and I love my family, but having everyone in one room is a nightmare. I swear I feel more stress with this than I did with my exams to get into med school. Jack opens the door and gestures for me to head out, so I smile at him and place a chaste kiss on his cheek before heading out to the car.
The drive to the restaurant is tense and despite trying to make conversation, it ends up being a quiet ride. We pull into the parking lot behind the restaurant and Jack’s even more wound up now than he was when we left, and my stomach flips. Maybe I should’ve come alone.
He climbs out and slams the door as I unbuckle, making me flinch. What a night this is going to be. I know he doesn’t like my family, but I kind of hoped he’d suck it up for my birthday meal. I swear, when it’s just the two of us, he’s the guy I met. But I put him near my family and it’s like the dark side of him comes out of hiding. I slip from the car and round the front to join him, reaching out to take his hand in mine and he rewards me with a small smile.
“Sorry, babe. I don’t mean to be an asshole. Your family just put me on edge, but it’s no excuse to be such a jerk. It’s your birthday dinner, I know what it means to you. I’m not going to let my issues mess with your night.”
“Thank you,” I say softly, glancing at the floor before looking back up at him. He seems sincere, but I already feel a little on edge from ‘handling’ him so far tonight. Here’s hoping he can actually do the whole, ‘live up to his word’ thing tonight.
We walk into the restaurant and I can’t help the big grin on my face. We've come here for my birthday for the last eight years, and I have so many happy memories here.
The hostess waves us to the private room in the back we always book, and I lead Jack through the restaurant. I feel him take a deep breath as I push the door open to the room and noise explodes around us.
“Happy birthday!” voices shout, and I can’t help but laugh. Bauer is closest to me and picks me up in a bear hug that is signature Bauer.
“Happy birthday, baby sister. Welcome to the grown-up table,” he says in my ear before placing my feet back on the ground and Maddie, Creek’s mom, wraps me in her arms, with tears in her eyes.
“I can’t believe how quickly you’ve grown up!” I sink into her embrace, soaking up the love from her, the woman who became everything I ever needed after my mom passed. I squeeze her tight before she releases me and takes my face in her hands, shaking her head. “Too quick.”