Page 17 of The Secret of Pain

Looking behind me, I don’t see him amongst the other people who are staring at me like I’ve lost my mind, and a sob racks through me. I clamber through my bag for my phone and dial the one person I know who will pick up.

“Remy? I didn’t expect to hear from you.” Creek’s voice filters through and it makes me cry harder.

“Help me…” I manage through my tears, trying to catch my breath.

“Where are you?” his voice hardens, and Colt shouts in the background.

“Main Street,” is all I manage, and the line disconnects. I pull myself together and get out of the middle of the road, leaning up against one of the storefronts and sliding down until I hit the ground again.

The screeching of tires as a truck stops in front of me cuts through the haze. I hear someone cursing, and then look up to find Creek kneeling in front of me.

“Remy, are you okay?” His eyes run across my body as he takes in the blood, and he swears again.

“Come on, let’s get you out of here,” he says, tucking one arm under my knees and another around my back before lifting me, and I can’t find the words to stop him.

“She’s still in shock. We need to get her cleaned up,” Creek says.

“I’ve got her back. Is all that blood hers?” Colt’s voice cracks slightly as he asks Creek, who shrugs as he slides me into the back of the truck.

“I have no idea. Let’s get her home so we can check her out. She was bitten.”

“Fuck!” Colt growls as Creek climbs in next to me and closes the door. Colt rounds the truck and climbs into the driver’s seat, taking off at speed, but I don’t feel it. I don’t feel anything.

* * *

I open my eyes and realize we’ve stopped moving. I try to lift my head but my neck screams, and as I become more aware, I realize just how much pain radiates through me.

What the fuck?

I groan as I try to sit up, breathless at the attempt.

“No, sweetie, you should stay lying down,” Maddie says in a soothing voice as she takes a seat beside me.

“What happened?” I ask. I’ve never hurt like this in my life, and my memory is fuzzy.

“It’ll come back, don’t worry. The drugs in your system are likely making things seem a little out of whack. You were attacked last night. You’re at your dad’s place. Creek and Colt came to get you when you called, then they left you here and went hunting with Bauer. Your father and I patched you up, gave you something for the pain. You were lucky. It is rare an untrained Hunter can escape any of the other factions, especially a Dracul once he’s tasted you.” Worry etches her features, but she shakes her head and smiles back down at me.

“But of course, you did, you’re Remington Bennett. The fiercest of us all. You’ve always been the strongest, most stubborn Hunter I’ve ever known. The Shadow Walker.” I laugh at her words, then groan from doing so.

“Thanks, I think.” I smile, and my lip cracks. “Could I get some water?”

I lick my lips, and she nods, rushing away to get me some water. I force myself to sit up, because she was right about one thing—I am a stubborn fuck, and there is no way I’m staying lying down—but I can’t help but wonder what she meant about the Shadow Walker thing.

She reappears with my dad behind her, and I know I’m not going to be able to ask her right now.

“Morning, Remy girl. How are you feeling?”

“Like I got hit by a truck. It’s fun.” I smile and take a sip of the water Maddie hands to me.

“That’s my girl. Not letting it get you down.” He smiles at me, but the purple under his eyes is thick and deep.

“Never. Sorry if I worried you guys, you look exhausted,” I say softly.

“Oh hush,” Maddie waves me off. “You don’t ever be sorry. You were attacked. We’re expecting to hear back from the boys shortly, it’s still dark out, but they’ll be back at sunrise.”

“This is why we need to do the ritual. As soon as possible,” my dad says forcefully, and Maddie scolds him.

“You leave the girl alone. She’s barely awake, give her a minute before you start on at her, Denny. Fates help me.”