I was fucking gutted. But what had I really expected? Olivia had always been very clear: no long-distance relationship.
She shook her head. “I want you. I want tonight. I want to remember this for what it was, not ruin it by trying to make it something it’s not.”
I knew how hard this was for her. And as much as her words pained me, I was proud of her. Because somehow, she’d found the strength to say what needed to be said, even if it felt like a mistake.
Deep down, though, she was right. As much as I cared for Olivia, she deserved more. More than a cross-country relationship. More than phone calls and texts and the occasional weekend together. More than anything I could offer her.
“I understand,” I finally said, my tone solemn. “Tonight.”
She nodded. All we had left was this night, these memories. I wanted to tell her that I loved her. But that wasn’t what she needed. She needed me to let her go.
So I pressed my lips to hers, trying to communicate without words. I caressed her curves, hoping my touch would convey just how much she meant to me. I undressed her with care, knowing this would be the last time. And as I made love to her, I savored her every sigh, every moan, every delicious second.
We both knew this was goodbye, even if neither of us was willing to speak the word. But it was evident in the way our lips met, her lingering touch, our shared release. When she finally slept, it was in my arms, her head resting on my chest. I lay there until the sun started its ascent, reveling in those final moments when I could pretend she was mine.
Irolled over, stretching beneath the covers as I reached out for Connor. It was still early, the sun barely peeking over the horizon. He wouldn’t have left yet. Not without saying goodbye. But the quiet of the house and the emptiness of the bed gave me pause.
Maybe he had left.
I wouldn’t have blamed him after our conversation last night. It had been gut-wrenching, but I knew I couldn’t do long-distance. I’d rather keep Connor as a friend than risk losing him completely. He’d become too important to me.
But maybe I should’ve considered his “expiration date” proposal. Maybe…
I shook my head. No. I’d meant what I said—it would merely be delaying the inevitable. And it would only hurt even more when it ended.
I sighed, my heart heavy as I sat up in bed. But then I startled when I saw a man sitting in the chair in the corner of my room.
I scrambled backward, even though there was no place to go, clutching the covers as if they would shield me. My heart was racing, blood whooshing in my ears.
My eyes darted to the nightstand for my phone, but it was nowhere in sight. I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out.
“Good morning,” he sneered. And it was then I noticed the gun in his hand.
I gripped the sheets, my pulse spiking at this intruder and his weapon. I’d never felt more vulnerable, more afraid. I was alone, in my bedroom, with a stranger holding a gun. And I was naked except for a pair of panties and a sheet.
“Wh-who are you?” I asked, hating the way my voice trembled. And where was Connor? Was he gone? Hurt?
The man shook his head. “All in good time.”
“Wh-what do you want?” Whatever it was, I’d give it to him. “Jewelry, money…”
His dark chuckle was far from reassuring. “There’s only one thing I want.” He leaned closer, resting his elbow on his knee. “Revenge.” The word slithered through the room like a snake, infecting everything with its poison.
Revenge?Was he high? It would make sense—his clothes were rumpled, hair greasy, eyes bloodshot. Besides, I’d never seen the man before. How could I possibly have wronged him? All I knew was that I needed to stay calm, keep him talking. Because there must be some mistake.
“Look, I don’t know who you are or what I did,” I said, taking a shuddering breath. “But whatever it was, I’m sorry.”
I just needed to get him out of my room. Maybe I could lock the door behind him, call the cops. But…his gun made any plan I had seem impossible.
“Get dressed.” He threw me a gray T-shirt, and I nearly cried when I realized it was one of Connor’s.
I’d worn it to bed, at least until Connor had stripped me naked and made love to me again in the middle of the night. That seemed like a lifetime ago now.
“Can I have some privacy?” I asked, hoping he’d leave me alone.
“You have a sheet, don’t you?”