I juggled the sheets and the shirt, doing my best to stay covered as I got dressed, when all I wanted to do was hide under the covers and pretend this wasn’t happening. And while I should’ve been encouraged by the fact that he wasn’t climbing on the bed or trying to force himself on me, I didn’t see much else to be grateful for at the moment.
I lifted the neck of Connor’s shirt to my nose, inhaling his familiar clean scent. A sense of calm washed over me. At least if I was going to die, it was after experiencing the most amazing week of my life. Really, I was going out on a high.
But why did I have to go out at all? It still didn’t make sense. Nothing about this made any sense.
“Now,” he said, once I was covered. “What’s the passcode to your phone?”
I noticed then that he was holding it. I held out my hand palm up, naively hoping he’d give it to me.
He leaned back in the chair as if he had all the time in the world. “Don’t insult my intelligence. Passcode.”
Why did he want access to my phone? Was he trying to somehow blackmail me? Or maybe he was going to have me call my dad and ask for a ransom? So far, those were the only options that made any sense.
“Why are you doing this?” My eyes stung. I held back the tears, forcing myself to at least give the appearance of strength. “What did I do?”
“Not you.” He tapped his gun against his thigh, and I sensed his impatience, the rage coursing through him. “Your little boyfriend and his friends.”
“Connor?” I gasped, relieved that he wasn’t injured.
“And now it’s time to call him. Passcode.” When I hesitated, he said, “Don’t make me ask again.”
I relayed the passcode, my eyes darting around the room as if searching for an escape. But there was none. This man—whoever he was—had a gun. He had a vendetta. And I was completely at his mercy.
As he navigated through my phone, I racked my brain for solutions. I thought through all the books I’d read, all the scenarios. And came up empty-handed. Perhaps I should’ve spent more time learning self-defense and less time with my head in a book. Perhaps I should’ve let Connor make all the security upgrades he’d suggested.
Was this why he’d been insisting on them? Because he’d been afraid of something like this? I pushed away that thought. I needed to focus.
“He won’t answer,” I said, wanting to protect Connor. Maybe he was already on the plane. I had no concept of time. Though, his duffel bag remained on the floor next to the bed. Where the hell was he?
My captor barked out a laugh. “And miss the chance to protect the woman he loves?”
The weight of his words settled on my chest, a wave of sadness threatening to overtake me. Connor loved me, even if he’d never said the words. And I loved him. And I’d pushed him away because I was afraid.
I didn’t know where Connor was, but I was determined to keep him safe. “We broke up. He won’t be coming back.” And maybe if this deranged idiot believed it, he’d leave me alone too.
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that. Connor can’t resist playing the hero. He gets off on protecting weak women.”
I frowned, trying to make sense of his words. Trying to figure out the tie between Connor and this man. He was far too young to be Connor’s dad. Besides, Connor’s dad was ill.
Before I could draw any other conclusions, the sound of the phone ringing through the speaker echoed off the walls of my bedroom. The room that had long been my refuge was now the scene of my worst nightmare.
“When he answers, tell him you want him to come back.”
I shook my head, my eyes wide. “I can’t.”
“You will.” He stepped closer, pointing the gun at my head and holding the phone just out of reach. “And don’t even think about telling him I’m here or you’re dead.”
I tried to steady my breathing, while hoping Connor wouldn’t see my call. But just before it went to voice mail, Connor answered. “Goody?”
“Hey,” I said, doing my best to sound calm. If I wasn’t careful, I’d be leading Connor straight into a trap.
“You okay? You sound… off.”
I gulped, trying to push away my fear. But it threatened to overwhelm me. My throat closed up, my body shaking.
Think, Olivia. Think!
I needed to stall. Find a way to warn him.