Olivia: Ha! No. Well, my dad tries. He never says anything bad about her, though he’d have every right to.
Olivia: Meaning she cheated on him years ago, and they’ve been divorced for nearly a decade.
I’m sorry. That must have been difficult—for all of you.
I wonderedhow old Olivia would’ve been when they’d divorced. If she’d had to move between their houses, like I’d had to leave home after my mom’s death. Though I’d been fortunate to have Lucy. My dad’s sister had taken me in and raised me like her own.
Olivia: Thanks. To be fair, they were both very career-minded and goal-oriented. I’m not saying that excuses what she did, but now that I’m older, I can see how it would be difficult for a relationship to survive long-distance over the long term.
I rubbedmy hand over my head, contemplating her words. She was forgiving—perhaps too much so. I wondered what she’d think about my complicated relationship with my dad. I wondered if she’d tell me I should visit him while I still had the chance. If she’d find a way to forgive someone who had done something so…despicable and inexcusable.
I could feel my blood pressure rising, so I focused on Olivia instead. I didn’t want to think about my piece-of-shit father. I didn’t want to care that he was dying or that he claimed to have changed.
Are you speaking from experience? Have you ever had a long-distance relationship?
Olivia: God, no. Why would I want to start something that’s doomed to fail?
I stilled,my heartbeat slowing at her words. Her admission.
What about your dad?
Three dots dancedon the screen. Disappeared. Reappeared again before a new message finally came through.
Olivia: What about him?
Do you guys have a good relationship?
Olivia: He’s the best. We’ve always been very close. I chose to live with him after the divorce.
That didn’t surpriseme based on what she’d told me about her mom. And I was glad that she had a strong relationship with her dad, even if it was a foreign concept to me.
So you’re a daddy’s girl.
Olivia: Definitely.
What does your dad say about how your mom treats you? Does he ever step in?
Olivia: We’re never really all together. My mom lives across the country and rarely visits.
Doesn’t necessarily sound like a bad thing.
Olivia: Does it make me a terrible daughter if I admit that it’s not?
A new messagecame through as mine sent.
Olivia: Anyway, enough about me and my drama. What are you up to today?
I wanted to push her,but I could tell that she needed to change the subject. So I let her, instead typing out a response to her question.
About to log on and do some training. But I just got home from the gym.
Olivia: Is that allowed…with your knee?
I wanted to laugh,but I was touched that she even cared. Not that I should’ve been surprised. Every interaction showed me what a big heart she had.