Page 24 of Undeniable

Yes. I did arms and core.

I senther a picture of my bicep as I flexed it.

Olivia: Did you just grab that image off the internet?

I laughed aloudto myself and headed for my bedroom, shutting the door behind me.

No, sweetheart. That’s all me.

Olivia: I guess you must really like to work out. You and my dad would get along well.

Oh yeah?

Olivia: Yeah.

When my phonewas quiet for a few moments, I decided to text her again. Technically, she had texted last, so the ball was in my court.

God, I’m pathetic.

What about you? Do you like to work out?

Olivia: Do long walks through the bookstore count? ??

?? ?? ??


Olivia: Then no.

I leanedback in my chair, debating how to ask her what I really wanted to know. I had so many questions, but I didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. I was never this shy when it came to women, but Olivia was different.

She was my friend. I’d come to rely on her, trust her. I told her more than anyone else, even Tatum and my friends. And I didn’t want to fuck up what we had.

Can I ask you something?

Olivia: I don’t know. Can you? ??

My fingers hoveredover the keyboard, and before I could talk myself out of it, I typed my question.

How old are you?

Three dots dancedon the screen then disappeared. Danced then disappeared before a new message came through.

I held my breath, wondering if I really wanted to know the answer. What if she was fifty? Eighty? What would I do then? I felt this connection with her that I couldn’t explain. I was attracted to her, even though I’d never seen her. And something just kept tugging me toward her.

Olivia: How old are you?

I laughed.Of course. Answer a question with a question. Clever. And infuriating.

If I answer, will you?

Olivia: Yes

Be honest.

Olivia: You’re the one person I’m completely honest with.

I smiled to myself,knowing exactly how she felt. Decker was right; I’d been pushing everyone away. Everyone except Olivia.