I scrubbed my hand over my head, the short hairs bristling against my palm. I ran my hand back and forth over my head as I debated what to say to her. How to apologize.
Dear Olivia, I typed. I figured that using her name might be a good place to start.
Thank you for your latest missive. It was…enlightening, to say the least. I owe you an apology. Though it’s no excuse for my treatment of you, I’d had a difficult day. A difficult month.
I couldn’t believe I was going to confess all of that to her, but I figured I might as well lay it all on the line. I’d enjoyed the book, and I wanted to talk to her. And if it took a little groveling, so be it.
So, if you’re amenable, I continued typing. I’d like a do-over.
PS: Can you believe Tracey nearly died in that snowstorm? That would’ve been evil.
I read it again, let out a deep sigh, and hit send. Considering how late it was, I wasn’t expecting a response anytime soon, if ever. I’d been a jerk to her, but she’d earned my respect by standing up to me. It was as if I’d been testing her without realizing it, and she’d passed. I only hoped she’d give me another chance. And not just for the sake of completing the program, though that was yet another reason why I needed to fix things with her.
I reclined on the bed, feeling restless. I couldn’t go for a run, thanks to my injury. I’d already read the only fiction book I had. And…I didn’t quite know what to do with myself.
My phone buzzed with a new email, and I reached out for it. When I saw who it was from, I grinned.
Dear Connor,
I think our emails must have gotten mixed up. Did your evil twin, Coleman, respond the first time? If so, I totally understand. My evil twin, Olga, clearly hijacked my email (and perhaps my brain, too). And for that, I do apologize. Olga can be a real bitch, especially when she’s hungry.
PS: OMG. Right? But it was a masterful stroke by the author, one which lent itself perfectly to the scene in the cave that followed.
I laughed aloudas I reread her email a second time. She was funny. But then I remembered that steamy scene in the cave she’d referenced, and I felt myself getting excited for an entirely different reason.
I’d never read a book with sex in it, at least not one like that. I’d never realized how erotic a book could be, and I was surprised by how hard it had made me. I wondered if it had turned her on. If she liked reading those types of scenes.
I hit “Reply,” quickly tapping out my response on the keyboard.
Looks like you’re a night owl too. Do you have any other books you could recommend? I’m feeling a bit…restless.
Sure,I wanted another book recommendation. Especially if it was anything likeAlone in Alaska.But more than that, I wanted to keep the conversation going.
I stared at the screen, the light casting a glow about my bedroom as I anxiously awaited her response. And then my phone hummed that satisfying buzz that told me I had a new email. I hadn’t been this excited about anything in a while, definitely not since my suspension.
Do I have another book for you? *Rubs hands together and lets out an evil cackle.*
You can’t handle the number of books I have for you.
What kinds of books are you interested in? More likeAlone in Alaska,or something else? How adventurous are you when it comes to trying new things?
You mentioned having a bad day, a bad month. What happened? If you aren’t permitted to talk about it, I understand.