Page 82 of Temptation

He grinned. “That’s great, Dad. I’m really happy for you. But…what happened last night? Is she okay?”

“Yeah,” I smiled. “She seems to be doing much better now.”

We fell silent for a moment, and then he blew out a breath. “I still can’t believe you left the game—for a woman.”

“One day,” I said, “when you find the right person, you’ll realize you’d do anything for them. Even things that once seemed unthinkable.”

“Wow.” He turned to me, smiling. “You really love her.”

“Yeah.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “I do.”

“When can I meet her?”

“I don’t know,” I said, sweat trickling down my back. It wasn’t that warm out, but it felt as if the sun were beating down on me like a spotlight. “It’s complicated.”

“Is she married or something?” he asked.

“Or something,” I said as Javier emerged from the house with several plates of food.

Jude’s face brightened, and I braced myself for whatever crazy idea he was going to throw out. “We’ve been talking about taking the yacht out soon. You should bring her. We could have a party. Something low-key.”

I huffed out a laugh. “Jude, with you, it’s never low-key.”

“I’m just saying, it would be a low-pressure environment for her to meet some of your friends and family. For me to meet her.”

I was touched that my son was so invested in my happiness, but it only made me feel worse. “I don’t know,” I hedged as the four of us made our way to the table.

“We’re taking the yacht out soon,” Jude said to Kendall and Emerson. “You’re invited, of course.”

“Of course,” Emerson teased, taking a seat next to Jude. Kendall was across from her.

“Now help me convince Dad that he should bring his girlfriend,” Jude said, opening his napkin.

Kendall started coughing, choking on her water. Emerson patted her back.

“You okay?” Jude asked, while Emmy spoke to Kendall in calming tones.

I wanted to be the one comforting her, but I fisted my hands beneath the table instead. Kendall took a few slow sips of water, and I watched her closely, feeling helpless. Last night had been enough of a scare.

“Just—” Kendall wheezed, forcing a smile. “Yeah. Down the wrong pipe.”

“Do you want some eggs and bacon?” Jude asked, holding the plate out for her.

“Oh, um—” She looked as if she might be sick. Her eyes darted to mine with a silent plea. “I’m not very hungry.”

“Maybe some pancakes,” I offered, knowing they’d be milder on her stomach.

She flashed me a grateful smile. “Yes. Thank you.”

Jude continued talking about the yacht, and I was grateful to Emerson for listening. I was too concerned about Kendall to focus on much else. Needing to touch her, I placed my hand on her thigh beneath the table, and she jolted.

“You okay there?” Jude asked.

“Just a, um—” She glanced around. “I was startled by a bug.”

“Did you know Dad was dating someone?” Jude asked Kendall.

She shoved a giant bite of pancake in her mouth and made a big show of chewing it. Emerson’s eyes ping-ponged between the three of us like a cat at a tennis match. I figured she’d bust out the popcorn any minute—at least if she’d had some.