Page 81 of Temptation

“I was just hanging out with Kendall while you guys were gone for the game,” Emerson said, and I was even more grateful that she knew about my relationship with Kendall. And, more importantly, she seemed willing to keep our secret.

Jude immediately perked up. “Kendall’s here?” He glanced around as if searching for her, then his eyes landed on the doors to the backyard. “I’ll just go say hi.” He took a step in that direction, assuming she’d be in the pool house. Because that’s where he thought she was living.Shit.

“I’m sure she’ll…join us soon,” Emerson said, perhaps realizing like I did that Jude would expect Kendall to be in the pool house. Not upstairs in my bedroom.

Jude opened his mouth, but I asked, “How about some breakfast?” I clapped a hand on his shoulder and steered him toward the kitchen. “You too, Emerson,” I said over my shoulder.

“Great!” she squeaked. “I’d love some.”

Javier was already in the kitchen, prepping various ingredients for the week. “Good morning.”

“Morning, Javier. Could you whip us up some breakfast, please?”

“Eggs, bacon, pancakes, fruit?”

“That would be great. Thank you.”

“Any allergies or food sensitivities I should be aware of? Besides Miss Kendall’s dairy intolerance.”

I turned to Emerson. “Emerson, anything you can’t have or don’t want?”

She shook her head. “Nope. But I will take a mimosa.”

“Absolutely,” Javier said. “It’s a lovely morning. Would you like to eat your breakfast outside?”

“Great idea,” I said and opened the doors to the back patio just as Kendall padded into the kitchen.

Javier brightened. “Good morning, Miss Kendall.”

“Good morning, Javier.” She smiled and then started conversing with him in Spanish.

They spoke quickly and fluidly. Thanks to Kendall’s ongoing tutoring, I understood almost all of it.

“Hey, Ken,” Jude said, giving her a hug. “How are you?”

“I’m good.” Her skin was still pale, and her eyes were tired. But she looked better than she had last night. And for that, I was thankful.

Jude and Kendall chatted for a moment, and then she joined Emmy at the pool. They sat on the side and dipped their feet in the water.

“So, what happened last night?” Jude asked while Kendall and Emmy were absorbed in their own conversation. “You never leave the game early. I was worried about you.”

“I know, and I’m sorry you were worried. But I had to take care of something.”

He furrowed his brow. “What could be more important than the game? The team always comes first for you.”

“I, uh—” I tugged on my neckline. “It was a personal matter.”

“A personal matter?” Jude frowned, but then his eyes widened. “Wait. Does this have something to do withher?”

“Her?” I asked, my pulse skyrocketing as I tried to buy myself some time to formulate a response.

“Yeah.” He lowered his voice. “You know—the woman you had sex with in your office.”

I cleared my throat, grateful that Kendall seemed too absorbed in her conversation to pay us any attention. “Uh. Yeah, actually.”

“Wow.” He rocked on his heels. “I thought it wasn’t serious.”

“So did I.”