Page 111 of Temptation

“Okay.” I smoothed my hands over her shoulders. “I promise.”

“The last night you were in New York, Jude stopped by.”

I jerked my head back. “What? Jude was here?”

She nodded.

“What did he say?” I rushed out. “What did he want?”

As she told me what had happened, I held her hand, growing madder and madder. I knew he was upset, but for him to come here and make her feel anxious. For him to…

I stood, ready to storm over to his condo and demand he talk to me. I’d had it. “This has gone on long enough. I’m going over there.”

My footsteps pounded the floor, determination and anger swirling through me. I’d gotten us into this mess, and I was going to get us out of it. It was my responsibility.

Kendall chased after me. “Knox, please.” She hung on my arm. “Think this through.”

“I’ve had enough thinking,” I said, resolved. “It’s time for action.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”


She sighed. “I’d offer to go with you, but I think that will only make things worse. Please,” she said, pressing up on her toes. “Please just…be careful.”

I kissed her hard. “I love you.”

I sped across town. As soon as I arrived at Jude’s condo, I banged on the door. He opened it, only to shout, “Go away!” and slam the door in my face.

“Jude.” I pounded on the door again. “Open up.”

When he didn’t answer, didn’t say anything, I called, “I’m not going anywhere, so the sooner you open the door and face this, the sooner we can move forward.”

I waited a few minutes, slumped against the wall. Debating my options. We were all at our breaking point, and I couldn’t allow this to continue.

“Jude.” I banged my fist against the door.

Then finally, the door opened just a little. “What do you want?”

“We need to talk.” My tone was sharp.

Jude said nothing. Nor did he offer to let me in. He merely leaned against the doorframe, ready to step inside at any minute. And slam the door in my face forever.

I didn’t know where else to start, so I said, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry that we hurt you—”

“We?” he asked, stepping forward with malice in his eyes. “No.Youhurt me.” He jabbed at my chest. “You. Not Kendall. If anything, I feel bad for Kendall. She clearly felt pressured by the situation. You’re older than her. Wealthy. Powerful.Her boss.”

The way he’d said “boss,” coupled with everything Kendall had told me, gave me pause. And then it all clicked. Jude was going to try to use the woman I loved to punish me.

“What do you want?” I asked, pushing forward, into his space.

All along, I’d been so focused on how this would impact Jude that I’d failed to consider the larger ramifications. This wasn’t just about falling for my son’s ex. It was about the team. About Kendall’s job. About the rumors that would be printed about us—some of them true, most of them not.

“This is about Kendall.” He jutted his chin forward, but it was his placid expression that put me on edge. “Notme. I’m concerned about her,” he said in a sympathetic tone. “As her friend, I worry that she was taken advantage of. That she was coerced into an inappropriate situation by a superior.”

Looking from the outside in, I could see how someone might draw that conclusion. Even if it was wrong.

“I appreciate your concern. But as Kendall told you, it’s unwarranted.”