Page 112 of Temptation

He seemed surprised that I knew about their conversation. But then his expression hardened. “Consensual or not, it’s against the rules.”

Fuck me. The nonfraternization clause.

I was beginning to think this wasn’t an idle threat. And if word of my relationship with Kendall got out, there was so much more at stake than my place in the world of major league soccer. There was Kendall’s future. Her privacy. If this story leaked, it would… Everything would change. How would I protect her then?

“What have you done?” I seethed.

Jude crossed his arms over his chest. “It sucks to feel like someone you loved, someone you trusted, betrayed you, doesn’t it?”

“Jude.” I gnashed my teeth. “I’m sorry. I don’t know how many times I can apologize for what I did. Please just…” I felt desperate.Soundeddesperate. “Don’t do this. Don’t ruin everything we’ve worked so hard to build.”

“You’re the one who ruined everything,” he spat. “I could go to the commissioner and have you removed.”

He was right. About everything. And while part of me couldn’t believe he’d do something like that, I also wouldn’t blame him.

All along, I’d been so focused on my legacy. On the team. But legacy was more all-encompassing than my limited vision. It was how I treated the people I loved. And if I couldn’t do the right thing by them, then I had no business leading the Leatherbacks.

In that moment, I realized what needed to be done.

“No need,” I said, taking a deep breath, putting my wishes aside and focusing on what Jude needed. What was best for the team. Best for Kendall. “I’ll resign.”

Jude jerked his head back. “What?”

I nodded. For so long, I’d clung to the team and its success as a measure of my own. As a marker for the impact I’d had. But I was so much more than that. Kendall had made me realize that.

He narrowed his eyes at me. “You’re bluffing.”

I didn’t flinch. Didn’t look away. “I’m not.”

In fact, the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. Maybe Jude would finally realize what Kendall meant to me.

“I’ll call the commissioner today to let him know that I’m resigning and handing the team over to you,” I said, feeling an incredible sense of lightness.

“Fine.” He strode over to his phone. “Let’s call him now. Together.”

“Okay,” I said, waiting for Jude.

He lifted his brow as if challenging me to stop him. When I made no move to do so, he pressed the contact to dial the MLS commissioner. It rang twice, and I mentally prepared my speech. But just before the third ring, Jude let out a heavy sigh and ended the call.

I met his eyes. “What are you doing? Why’d you hang up?”

“I can’t…” He shook his head, drawing in deep breaths. “I’m so pissed at you, but this is not what I wanted to happen. This isn’t what I want for the team.” He started pacing. “I can’t believe this is what you’d want. I can’t believe you’d do this forher?”

He turned away, but I still heard the words he spoke next. “You’d never do that for me.”

I moved closer as if to hug Jude then stopped myself. Judging by his clenched fists, a hug from me was the last thing he wanted. I was still surprised he was even talking to me. Surprised but incredibly grateful, even as painful as this conversation was.

“Is that what you really think?” I asked. “Jude?” I placed a hand on his shoulder, grateful when he didn’t flinch or try to push me away.

Jude hung his head, and in that moment, I hated myself for failing him as a father.

“I don’t want this,” I said. “But if you think it’s what will make this right, if this will help make things right between us, I’ll do it. Gladly.”

“You’d really give up the team?” he asked, head still bowed.

“Yes.” I turned him to face me. “Of course I would. I’d do anything for you.”

He curled his lip. “Except give her up.”