Her words are a punch to the guts and my breath leaves my body. It hurts more than anything those bouncers have done to me. Chase slings an arm around Sassy’s shoulders, and she stiffens under his touch, but she doesn’t push him off.

I nod, understanding. Whatever Sassy and I were doing together has ended. Just like I always worried would happen.

“See ya, Colt.” He says, staring at me.

I turn and leave campus as fast as I can.



I’m so drunk my vision is blurring, but I don’t care. I want to keep drinking until I numb myself to the pain I’m in. This idiotic, self-inflicted pain.

After seeing Colt today, I had to leave school immediately and take myself for a drink. It hurt so damn much not getting up to give him a hug or ask him how he’s really doing. The second I looked up and saw him standing in front of me, my heart skipped a beat and I wanted to throw myself at him. But I needed to be strong in order to walk away.

As soon as Colt left, I shrugged Chase’s arm from around my shoulder and scowled at him. He knows I’ve ended things with Colt, but he didn’t need to play some protective boyfriend role. The only reason I didn’t tell him to back off straight away was because I figured if it seems like we’re together, it will speed up my mission of getting Colt to stop speaking to me.

It hurt, though. The entire process hurts so much it’s like a knife to the heart. And I’m not good at dealing with my emotions. So I dealt with them the only way I know how - by getting drunk. Taylor found me at a local bar a few hours later and has stayed with me since.

“I still don’t get why you’re doing this to yourself,” she says now from the barstool beside me.

“I already told you, it’s for the best.”

“Doesn’t seem like it.” Taylor’s eyes rake over me. I’m sure I’m not a pretty sight, but I don’t care.

“Short-term pain for long-term gain.” I mutter, draining the last of my vodka and soda. I wave my glass at the bartender for another one, ignoring the look Taylor gives me as I do.

“What’s the gain, though? You guys love each other. Where’s the win in breaking up?”

“Love? Who said anything about love?” I scoff at her. “Love is stupid. It always leads to pain and misery. I’m lucky I’m breaking this off now before I fall in any deeper.”

“Sassy,” Taylor looks at me with such pity it makes me want to shrivel up and die. I hate pity. I hate love and I hate pity.

The bartender serves me my next drink and I take a long sip. The door opens and a large group of people come in. It must be the end of the day. A decent time for normal people to have a drink.

“I just don’t understand why you can’t at least explain everything to him properly instead of this ghosting bullshit. It’s very un-Sassy of you,” Taylor continues. “You’ve always been anti-bullshit. Especially the kind where you don’t tell someone what’s wrong when you’re upset. So why do it now? When so much is at stake?”

I sigh, annoyed at having to explain myself again.

“The part you’ve got wrong is thinking it’s our relationship that’s at stake. It’s not. What’s at stake is Colt. Me ghosting him is the best thing I can do if I want him to stay safe and happy.”

“Come on Sass, that’s far-fetched. Just talk to the guy.”

“He’ll never accept what I’m trying to do, Taylor, you know that. He won’t let me walk away. I need to force it to happen.”

I swivel my head towards Taylor, and something behind her catches my eye. No, not something. Someone.

“It’s only fair to give him the full reason instead of making him have to guess,” Taylor continues, but I’ve stopped listening.

I stand up from my barstool, wobbling slightly on my feet.

“Back in a minute.” I mumble and cross the room until I reach Gav. He’s standing with a group of guys, with a beer in one hand and pool cue in the other. When he meets my eye, I see his face harden. Gav hands the pool cue to his mate, then comes over to me.

“What the hell are you doing here?” He hisses.

“I’ve been here all day. Why’re you here?” I think I’m slurring my words. The drinks went straight to my head when I stood up.

“My mate got engaged. We’re celebrating.” Gav juts his chin towards the crowd at the pool table.