“That’s not what you told the cops, though, is it?”

I slide my eyes away from her, not wanting to have this conversation again. I told the cops two random strangers attacked me in the back alley. There’s no point in telling the truth. The bouncers already gave their statement; they kicked me out of the club for being handsy with the strippers. The last they saw me, I was in perfect health in the back alley. There are no cameras in that alleyway, and no eyewitnesses to what really happened. Sassy and I were there to steal from the club and they knew it. We got what was coming to us. I don’t have the time or the money to go up against the club. I’d rather just drop it and forget it all. It’s yet another thing Becky is mad at me for.

“This is called consequences, Colt.” She lectures me now. “Not only for lying to the police. But for all the wrong choices you’ve been making. It sounds like you were already on shaky ground with the dean, and you pushed it even further.”

“He’s still an asshole.” I mutter, and I’m surprised when Becky puts her hand over mine and smiles at me.

“He is,” she agrees. “I told him that myself.”

“You called the dean an asshole to his face?” I laugh.

“Yep,” she smirks, raising her eyebrows. “No one picks on my baby brother, even if he put himself in this shit position.”

I pat Becky’s hand, grateful for a sister who can’t help but stand up for me.

“What did he say to that?”

“Let’s just say after our little chat, he agreed to give you one last chance before he kicks you out. But I swear Colt, if you fuck it up again, I won’t fix things for you.”

“Thanks. And I’m sorry, Beck,” I say for the umpteenth time since she arrived at my bedside three days ago. “I didn’t mean to worry you.”

“I know,” she smiles, her eyes growing misty. “Just don’t do it again.”



As soon as I’m released from hospital and Becky drops me home, I make my way to campus. Mason and Becky had picked my car up from the parking lot of the strip club while I was in hospital. I’m grateful they did because I don’t think I could have walked the entire way to school from my place. I’m feeling more worn out and lousy than I was expecting. My head is throbbing, and I get tired easily from any physical exertion. But I’m determined to find Sassy and speak to her, face to face. She’s still ignoring my calls and only answering some of my texts. The most I heard from her was when she found out I lied to the police about what happened. She was furious, saying that I should hold the club accountable. I reminded her we turned up that night intending to steal from them. Plus, their people would say they witnessed me leave the club in one piece, so what’s the point? She finally backed down, but the ice between us still hasn’t thawed.

I arrive on campus at lunchtime and go straight to the back oval, where I’m hoping I’ll find her having lunch. Students whisper and point as I walk past them. I know I look a fright. My face is black and blue, my left arm is in a cast thanks to a broken wrist and I’m limping because my knee hurts. The bandage over my eye is gone, but now the deep cut above my eyebrow is on display. I’m sure the entire student body already knows what happened to me. Now they get to view the damage firsthand. The grazes along my knuckles are the only thing that gives me peace; a reminder that I got a few good hits in before they took me down.

I walk out onto the back oval and I’m glad to spot Sassy sitting on the bench in the distance. But my heart drops when I realise Chase is sitting next to her. I still don’t understand why it was Chase she called in her time of need. It bothers me he’s sitting so close to her on the bench now. He’s constantly starting trouble between us, and I wish she’d tell him to go away.

As I draw closer, I can see Sassy’s lunch is on her lap, untouched. Chase looks up and his face darkens when he sees me.

“Hey,” I say, stopping in front of them. Sassy looks up at me, but doesn’t stand. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but a welcome back hug seemed fair.

“Hey, how’re you feeling?” She asks.

“Fantastic.” I joke, but smiling hurts my face still and I end up wincing.

“Gutsy move, going head-to-head with the strip club boys.” Chase says.

“They owed a debt.” I shrug.

“Sassy’s last pay?” Chase asks. I don’t answer. I guess she’s told Chase all about her problems, too. “It’s all sorted, so no need for you to try being a hero again.”

“All sorted?” I frown, then glance at Sassy. She drops her gaze to the untouched salad balancing on her knees.

“Chase got my money from them.” She mumbles quietly.

I swallow my disappointment. So, Chase achieved what I set out, but failed to do.

“That’s great.” I force a note of happiness into my voice. At least she got what was rightfully hers in the end. I watch her for a moment, but she doesn’t lift her head to meet my eyes. She remains seated next to Chase.

“Sass, can we talk?” I ask.

“No,” she still won’t meet my eyes. “I’ve told you it’s over Colt. There’s nothing more to say.”