Good point. I’ll pin the location.

See you there.

It’s a date.

No it’s not.

I throw my phone back down on my bed, but there’s a smile on my face.



When Sassy arrived at the party unapologetically late, I could tell when she walked into the room without even having to lift my head. There’s something about her presence that makes my senses tingle.

Over the past two hours, she’s made good on her promise to drink me under the table. We’ve been playing a rowdy game of beer pong with a group of college kids that I barely know and she’s standing the most upright out of all of us.

“Reckon there’s anything stronger around?” Sassy asks me as she drains the last of her beer.

“I’m sure we can find something.”

I lead the way to the kitchen. The house is packed full of hundreds of students and the music is pumping. We squeeze our way through the crowd, reaching a bench with bottles of spirits and mixers lined up on it.

“What’s your poison?” I turn to Sassy, planning to pour her a drink. But she’s already grabbed a bottle of vodka and is helping herself. I chuckle and pour myself a vodka as well. Some people near us are playing a loud game of Never Have I Ever. One of the girl yells out, ‘Never have I ever … done a striptease!’

Sassy catches my eye. The corner of her mouth lifts and, holding my gaze, she takes a sip of her vodka. Although we are nowhere near the group playing, Sassy is following the rules of drinking if you’ve done the task they mention. I lift my cup to my mouth as well, and her eyes widen slightly when I take a sip.

“Colt, you naughty boy. I didn’t know you had it in you.” She tsks.

“They didn’t say it had to be on stage.”

I hear the beginning beats of one of my favourite songs coming from the makeshift dance floor in the lounge-room.

“Come on,” I grab Sassy’s hand and pull her towards the music. “Let’s dance.”

She must be more drunk than I thought, because she actually lets me lead the way and doesn’t yank her hand from mine.

We hit the dance floor and immediately both launch into some silly dance moves, making each other laugh. She’s wearing shiny black leggings, a white tank top and stilettos so high she’s almost as tall as me, but it doesn’t hinder her dance moves in the slightest. I guess she’s had a lot of practice dancing in stilettos. She’s the sexiest woman in the room, even when she’s just being silly. I love seeing this playful side of Sassy and seeing her let her hair down for a change. Well, figuratively speaking, as her hair was already down, her dark locks turning to vivid purple curls down her back. She laughs at my made up dance, throwing her head back and exposing her beautiful long neck. But something in my peripheral vision catches my eye.

I turn to find Dani staring holes into me from across the room.

Groaning, I grab Sassy’s wrist to get her attention.

“Can we go somewhere else?” I shout above the music.


“I just, uh,” I glance over to see if Dani is still watching me and Sassy follows my eyes.

“Is that girl bothering you?”

“Nah, she’s just,” I scratch the back of my neck. “Well, yeah actually. We hooked up once and now she keeps turning up everywhere, thinking we’re more than a one-night stand.”

Sassy looks at me. “Huh. Not such a good boy, after all?”

“What?” I’m confused.

“Leaving a trail of one-night stands pining after you all over campus.”