“You busy tonight?” He asks, and the question catches me off guard.


“I’m going to a party. Thought you might like to come.”

“You thought wrong.”

“It’ll be fun. They’ve got a few kegs set up.” The boy is relentless and doesn’t seem at all ruffled that I’m showing zero interest in going to a party with him.

“No, thanks.”

“Why not? Are you busy?”

“Nope. Just don’t want to go. I might paint my toenails or something.”

“Brutal.” Colt chuckles, unfazed. He grabs my phone out of my hand and holds it up to my face so that it will unlock.

“Here’s my number in case you change your mind.” He punches the digits into the keypad and hands the phone back.

“I won’t.” I say as I tuck the phone into my pocket. Then I turn and leave with no further conversation.

A few hours later, I’m sitting on my bed when Taylor comes into our shared dorm room.

“You coming out tonight?” She greets me. That’s college life for you, all about the next party.

I hesitate before answering. I don’t feel like going out to the usual bars.

“Oh, come on Sass. You’re not going to sit here all alone again, are you? Do I need to drag you out of here?”

“When do I ever sit here alone?”

“Just last week!” She exclaims, and I shake my head at her. I had a headache and had work the next day, so I stayed home. Once. Not a big a deal.

“I’m not taking no for an answer.” Taylor puts her hand on her hip, and I know she’s serious. Before I can even think about it, I open my mouth.

“Actually, I already have plans. I’m going to a party with work friends.”

“The girls from the club? I thought you guys never got the same nights off work together?”

“No, from the newsagency.”

“Really? You work with people? I thought it was a solo job.”

I shrug and pick up my phone. Guess I better text Colt and see if the offer of tagging along to the party still stands. I’m not even sure why I’m following through with this. I could just pretend I’m going out and then get into my PJs the second Taylor leaves. But I’ll get bored if I stay here and I don’t mind the idea of trying something new. Plus, I feel like a drink.

I text Colt.

OK, I’ll come. What time does the party start?

He replies straight away. I like that he doesn’t bother to play games. I’m not a game player either.

Knew you couldn’t resist me ?? I’ll pick you up at 8.

No. Just give me the addy. I’ll make my own way.

You want to turn up to a party alone?

Do I look like someone who would care about that?