Seith could find his mate, and then what will happen with me? And if I’m pregnant, then what?

Banging at the door startles me, and I drop the tea bag.

“Marybell,” Seith says from the other side. “I didn’t mean it. Let me in.”

“I don’t think so! Freeze out there for all I care.”

“You don’t mean that. Come on, let me in.”

Intent on opening the door and arguing with him, I stomp toward the entrance, then think better of it and decide I’ll see what he’ll do next. How far would he go to breed me? If I’m going to raise a lycan baby, it won’t be because I’m Seith’s breeder. We can have sex without breeding while I’m in heat. “Go away, lycan. I’ll chose another.”

“Nobody will touch you.”

“Someone from the McMar clan will. I know a guy.”

Silence. “Lass, tell me his name, and I’ll bring you his ball sac.”

I chuckle.

“What’s funny?”

“You’re funny.”

“I’m deadly serious.”

“And I’m well within my rights to drink the tea. We don’t have to breed. We can just fuck.”

“I want to breed with you.”


“Because…Marybell, let me in and I’ll explain. The entire fucking clan is out here listening.”

If I let him in, he’ll shove his tongue town my throat and his nice long, hard shaft inside me, and that’ll make me forget I have a brain. “I drink the tea and we fuck. Win-win, lycan.”

“Do not touch the tea, Marybell.”

“Did it ever occur to you that maybe I don’t want to be a breeder as much as you don’t want to be a service male?”

“No, never.”

“Maybe I want a mate. Maybe I want to know you will be mine in the same way Lenox is Gloriana’s. Maybe watching that relationship made me wish I had a lycan alpha doting on me. I have needs!”

Again, silence. It stretches so long that I think he left.

“You don’t know what you’re asking for.”

“I do know. Lycans have mates.”

“That kind of mating is rare, Marybell.”

“I know.”

Seith pauses again and then says, “Let me in.”

“I can’t.”

He bangs. “Open the door!”