I fist my hands and remain quiet.

He’s growling loudly, getting really worked up. “I’ll break the door down.”

“For king’s sake.” He’ll do it too, and then we’ll be cold and have to move elsewhere during my heat, and it’s going to peak when the night falls. I’d rather stay in the cabin. If I must endure another span of heat, I would spend it with Seith in the cabin. It’s just the matter of breeding or not. I walk to the door and open it to a white-furred wolf the size of a pony.

Not expecting a wolf, I screech and jump away.

The wolf pounces. Paws land on my chest, and he pins me down, his lip lifting. He’s growling, or maybe purring, but I’m terrified and close my eyes and start begging. “Seith, please, I’ll never call you a jerk again.”

A wet nose touches the side of my neck, and I freeze. If he bites me, he’ll end me. But also if he bites me, he’s marking me. I don’t know which will it be, and I don’t know what comes over me when he nudges my shoulder, but I roll onto my belly and move the hair away from the back of my neck, leaving it exposed.

The wolf licks before biting down.



My mate’s blood coats my mouth. I lap at the wound that will leave a scar for the remainder of her long life that’s now tied to mine. Marybell is mine.

I found my lycan mate.

What’s really great about this is that the entire village witnessed our squabble, and when I barged into the cabin, they saw me marking her. An event as rare as this one should be seen by all, for it will give the clan hope, something we haven’t had in a long while.

Once I’m sure Marybell’s wound has stopped bleeding, I move aside.

On the street, my males are singing, likely also dancing in a line. Mated pairs bring forth pups, and pups are everything if we are to survive as a clan. This moment is everything I dared not hope for, yet craved all my life.

Marybell sits up, and her tearstained face tells me she was in pain. I feel bad to have caused her pain, but a lycan marking is what it is, and now that she’s mine I’ll make sure she experiences only pleasure.

Still in wolf, I lick her tears away. Mmm. Tastes salty. I like it. I lick the other eye and then all over her face. She’s scratching behind my ears and over my chest. If my clan mates weren’t watching, I’d roll onto my back and let her scratch my belly. But out in public, having just ended a dramatic begging scene, I have to preserve some dignity. I’ll have her scratch my belly later in private. For now, I let the magic take me into my male form.

Crouching before her, I smile. “You’re mine now, Marybell.”

She blushes. “I guess so.”

A whistle sounds, this one a signal that I’m needed in the shrine.

“I’m off to check on Spence and get some clan business done. Meanwhile, what will you do?”

“Build a nest.”

“That’s a good girl. Where’s the sachet?”

“In the kitchen.”

I grab the sachet and throw it into the fireplace. “I don’t appreciate the fairies meddling in lycan business. Fleur is banned from me territory, and if she returns, I’m within me rights”—I quote Marybell deliberately—“to rip her apart. Her and anyone who brings her here.”

“But she’s my friend.”

“You can visit her.”

“She only meant to give me a choice.”

“Don’t care.”

“Seith, don’t be unreasonable.”

“I am reasonable.” From the closet, I snatch a pair of warm pants and a sweater and dress.