Hawk is so… powerful.
Larger than life.
It’s easy to get distracted by that and miss the quiet, vulnerable side of him.
“Hawk wasn’t meant to be a monster,” Linda adds. “He was a lively boy. Full of spark and imagination. He got that from his father’s side. His Uncle Henry was just like that. Obsessed with the impossible.” She winks. “Oh, Hawk filled this house with light back then. And lately that spark returned to his eyes. Because of a girl.” She pauses. “Because of Shanel.”
I choke.
She laughs and hands me a napkin. “When can you start?”
“W-what?” I sop up the tea dripping down my mouth. “You haven’t seen me clean yet.”
“Hawk wouldn’t have fallen for a slacker. He’s smarter than that and I trust his judgment more than anyone else.”
“The thing is,” I rub my hands together, “I’d like to work… far from Hawk.”
“Well, you’re in his house—”
“I mean, I’d prefer if I didn’t have to run into him.” I wince, knowing I sound high maintenance. “Is that an option?”
“It’s complicated.”
She strokes her chin and then offers her hand. “Deal.”
We talk about finances and then Linda shows me to my room. It’s not as fancy as the rest of the house, but it’s better than the basement where Catherine lived. Correction, where she has to move back now that I’ve been kicked out of the school condo.
Speaking of Catherine, I should probably call her before she finds her stuff scattered on the sidewalk.
I reach for my phone and try to make a call when an automated voice informs me that the line is cancelled. Great. Kaz’s dad killed my cell service.
What a piece of work.
I hustle outside in search of Linda to ask if I can borrow her phone or use the landline when I hear solid footsteps thumping.
A familiar voice booms through the house.
In a panic, I duck into the nearest room, slapping a hand over my mouth to calm my frantic breath.
He and Linda stop inches away from my hiding place.
Through the door, I hear them arguing.
“Hawk, you can’t just call a board meeting,” Linda hisses.
“You suggest I do nothing?”
“I think you should take a deep breath and slow down.”
Hawk’s voice sounds hot enough to burn through concrete. “Shanel is not leaving Brighton until I find her.”
“You said her father made the decision,” Linda pleads.
“And it was the wrong one.”